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Migration into cities : Patterns, processes and regulation

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Migration into cities : Patterns, processes and regulation


, migration urbaine, gouvernance, insertion, intégration, société urbaine, urbanisation, économie


Organisers' description :
Workshop organized by the Irmgard Coninx Foundation and the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (Osnabrück University) held at the Social Science Research Center Berlin on 25-27 October 2007.

The workshop intended to explore pertinent migratory patterns and processes into urban agglomerations and examined ways how the responsible administrations attempt to cope with migration-related social consequences and problems. The focus was placed less on the reasons of migration, the motives of migrants and on the concrete living conditions upon arrival, but more on the dynamics and characteristics of migration processes themselves and the options and means to regulate or govern these processes.
Papers :
Isabel M. Estrada Portales - “Rural Souls in Urban Hells: The Reconstitution of a Supporting Community through Favelas”
Réka Geambaşu - “Rural-Urban Migration and the Creation of ‘The New Socialist Man’ in Communist Romania”
Oscar Gil - “Engendering Democratic Strategies for Governing Migrants in Urban Centers”
Michael Janoschka - “Governance Regimes and Regulation in Local Political Conflicts: Re-Thinking the Political Participation of Migrants”
Li-Fang Liang - “The Construction of Global City: Invisible Work and Disposable Labor”
Katharina Ludwig - “Family Deregulation? Mobilizing Collectives to Loop Migration Order in Austria”
Danzan Narantuya - “Migration into Cities: Mongolia”
Ezebunwa E. Nwokocha - “Engaging the Burden of Rural-Urban Migration in a Non-Regulatory System: The Case of Nigeria”
Akachi Odoemene - “The Historical Dynamics of Migration into Enugu City, Southeastern Nigeria, 1915-1990”
Anisseh Van Engeland - “Afghan Migrations inside Iran: From Camps to Cities”
Michael Waibel - “Migration to Greater Ho Chi Minh City in the Course of Doi Moi Policy: Spacial Dimensions, Consequences and Policy Changes with Special Reference to Housing”
Yan Wei - “What Should China’s Government Do for Rural-Urban Migrant Workers?”
Christiane Wirth-Forsberg - “Access to Housing and Employment of New Migrants: Exploring the Limits of Local Governance”
Courtney Work - “The View from Here: Migration and Village Violence in Cambodia”
Friederike Zigmann - “Urban Sprawl, Informal Settlements and Government Responses in the Megalopolis of Cairo (Egypt)”  


Multiple authors


Irmgard Coninx Stiftung


25 - 27 October 2007



