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Century of the city : No time to lose

Dublin Core


Century of the city : No time to lose


, urbanisation, développement durable, développement urbain, croissance urbaine, aménagement urbain, pays en développement, États-Unis, United States, infrastructures, planification, vingt-et-unième siècle, twenty-first century, Peirce Neal R., Johnson Curtis W., Peters Farley M.


Abstract from the publisher :
One in every ten people lived in urban areas a century ago. Now, for the first time ever, most people live in cities. By 2050, the United Nations projects, almost three-quarters of the world's population will call urban areas home. The majority of this growth is centered in struggling, developing countries of the Global South, but cities in developed (or Global North) countries face increasingly complex challenges as well.

Around the world, unplanned urban expansion is multiplying slums, overburdening housing, transportation and infrastructure systems, stifling economic growth, and leaving millions vulnerable to new environmental and health threats.

To help manage and plan for this accelerating urbanization, the Rockefeller Foundation convened an exceptional group of urbanists--leading policy makers and government officials, finance experts, urban researchers, members of civil society organizations, and other innovators--for a Global Urban Summit at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center. This book shares their diverse perspectives, creative approaches, and urgent agenda for harnessing the vast opportunities of urbanization for a better world.
Neal R. Peirce is a journalist and the author of such books as The book of America : Inside 50 states today (1983).
Curtis W. Johnson is a public servant and analyst and the co-author of books including Disrupting Class (2008).
Farley M. Peters is Manager and Vice-President of The Citistates Group.   NB : The freely-available online version is text-only (i.e. without photographic images). The full print version with images may be ordered free of charge from the Rockefeller Foundation.  


Neal R. Peirce Curtis W. Johnson Farley M. Peters


Rockefeller Foundation






