Dublin Core
Campagnes qui se vident et campagnes qui s'urbanisent au Portugal
Rural dynamism ; Rural and agricultural regions ; Portugal
Dynamisme rural ; Portugal ; Populations rurales et agricoles
Les grands contrastes actuels de répartition, de structures et de dynamisme de la population rurale et agricole du Portugal sont à mettre en relation avec la grande diversité géographique du pays, le continuum rural/urbain, la pluri-activité des familles agricoles, les structures minifundiaires et la dispersion des unités industrielles, notamment dans le Nord-Ouest, ainsi qu'avec l'exode rural et agricole de l'intérieur. Schématiquement les régions intermédiaires ou semi-périphériques et les régions marginales ou périphériques s'opposent sur le plan démographique, économique et social et par leur dynamisme et leurs rythmes d'urbanisation et de modernisation.
Depopulating countries and urbanizing countries in Portugal.
The great actual differences of the distribution, the recent tendancies and structures of the rural and agricultural population of Portugal are pointed out, due to the strong geographical diversities of the country, the continuum rural-urban, the pluriactivity of agricultural families, the very small farming's structure and industrial units dispersion, namely in the Northwest, ass well as the effects of rural and agricultural exodus in the interior inlands. In short, the differences in the Central Atlantic regions, the intermediary, semy-peripheral regions and the marginal, peripheral regions are accentuated from the demographic, economic and social point of view, and as far its dynamics, urbanizaion rythm and modernization.
The great actual differences of the distribution, the recent tendancies and structures of the rural and agricultural population of Portugal are pointed out, due to the strong geographical diversities of the country, the continuum rural-urban, the pluriactivity of agricultural families, the very small farming's structure and industrial units dispersion, namely in the Northwest, ass well as the effects of rural and agricultural exodus in the interior inlands. In short, the differences in the Central Atlantic regions, the intermediary, semy-peripheral regions and the marginal, peripheral regions are accentuated from the demographic, economic and social point of view, and as far its dynamics, urbanizaion rythm and modernization.
Cavaco Carminda. Campagnes qui se vident et campagnes qui s'urbanisent au Portugal. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1986-3. Populations rurales et populations agricoles - Rural populations and agricultural populations. pp. 75-84.
Carminda Cavaco