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Bucarest, qui aspire à un rôle régional majeur, doit affronter l'urbanisme inachevé de Nicolae Ceauşescu. La capitale présente différents visages, l'occidental et l'oriental, le villageois et la vitrine de la modernité. La période de " transition "…
Présentation par l'éditeur : L’ouvrage de Ioana Iosa, conçu à partir de sa thèse de doctorat, affirme avant tout sa volonté d’inscrire l’apologie monumentale que représente le Centre…

La croissance tendancielle des revenus transforme notre gestion du temps. Comme le budget temps quotidien est rigoureusement stable, le temps devient, en termes relatifs, " le bien le plus rare ". Face à cette situation de rareté radicale, les moyens…

Buenaventura es el puerto principal y a la vez una de las ciudades más importantes de Colombia. En la presente ponencia, se sostiene que en ella se presentan variados cambios socioculturales en los que sobresalen la diversidad, la multiculturalidad y…

A travers le cas de Buenos Aires, cette thèse s'intéresse à la conservation d'espaces de proximité pour nourrir les métropoles : malgré de fortes pressions métropolitaines, la capitale argentine a maintenu ses espaces de production et de…

A city is created as the result of population movements which have been more or less well managed and tolerated. To what degree is it possible to talk about poor quality or degraded urban environments? To make a district sustainable is to give it a…
Abstract from the publisher : Examining spatial transformations in Bangalore, one of India's fastest growing cities, this book highlights the influence of information and communications technology (ICT) development on the city. Focusing on the…
Abstract from the publisher : ‘From nothing; from nothing to construction.’ It was in these almost epically laconic terms that Marcel Gautherot recalled the formidable undertaking to which he committed himself in the late 1950s –…
Abstract from the publisher: The suburban subdivision, replete with identical houses, lawns, and families, is a familiar icon of contemporary American culture. Equally familiar are suburban governments, which many critics describe as providers of…
Abstract from the publisher : Published by the Institutional Capacity and Finance Sector of the Inter-American Development Bank and the Cities Alliance, this publication documents the evolution of settlement upgrading programmes both in theory and…
Abstract from the publisher: This book tracks New Spain's mendicant orders past their so-called golden age of missions into the ensuing centuries and demonstrates that they had equally crucial roles in what Melvin terms the "spiritual…

Working on the relationship between respiratory health and atmospheric pollution in French cities led us to adopt a perspective that considers the risk for a single city of showing high levels of respiratory health problems. The risk level in a city…

The Paris cityscape, which is largely a product of the transformations effected under the Second Empire by the Prefect Haussmann and the City administration, is astonishing for its degree of uniformity. However, on closer inspection, Haussmannien…
Abstract from the publisher : From the years 2004 to 2008, Beijing and Shanghai witnessed the construction of an extraordinary number of new buildings, many of which were designed by architectural firms overseas. Combining ethnographic fieldwork,…

Organisers' description : Dr. Weber will discuss her research on periods of rapid change in the physical fabric of the city -- the dizzying "construction booms" when the real estate industry, financial system, and public planning all…

Over the last four decades, cities - especially those in the developing world - have been expanding exponentially. With this growth in 'urbanization' and as a consequence of a rise in urban poverty, the issue of urban problems is now a topic of…

The paper discusses a simple methodological tool for supporting the participatory elaboration of future urban scenarios through successive approximations. It systematizes one possible way to build answers to a set of critical questions when…

This paper is the editors foreword to a Special issue of Built Environment on the Polycentric Metropolis in Europe. It introduces the Mega-City-Region hypothesis developed in the European POLYNET research project and sets out the main arguments of a…

Cities with a high global significance in non-physical, functional knowledge economy networks have recently emerged on the Arabian Peninsula. The geo-strategic position of these cities in between rising economies in Asia and traditional centers of…
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