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  • Collection: Archives ouvertes des études urbaines

This paper proposes an articulation of the two research fields that usually deal with the sensorial and sensible issue and its link with the urban: landscape and ambiance. It presents the characteristics that historically separated the two concepts…

This article deals with observations of neighbors' parties within contemporary residential buildings to Paris. These meeting constitute one extraordinary moment for inhabitants. It's possible for them to derogate from the daily rules and to explore…

Listening to Louis Khan (1996), spaces are sensations, and sensations are ambiances. Working with the case of domestic architecture, this essay tries to understand the construction of ambiance. The aim is to show step by step how space interacts with…

The aim of this article is to emphasize the way that the ambiance contributes to the dynamics of the affective relationships with urban places. The ideal-type figures of the evolution of affective relationships with places allow us to bringing to…

Abstract : We proposes to examine three key issues of urbanity identified during the creation of an Atlas of public spaces - Saint-Étienne 2007-2012 : livability, mobility and citizenship. Built on the capture of common practices and manners, moods…

The irruption of concepts such as ecology and sustainability in the world of architecture is generating a new language to understand our building's ambiances. Once again, the separation of structural and environmental issues advocated by modern…

Architecture is now constantly confronted with the exploration of its materiality. So, we must put forward here the importance of the technological reification of architecture as an artificial system - expressed by the creation of temporalities of…

The Second International Congress on Ambiances looks at a broad range of ambiances, including those of an architectural, urban, social, aesthetic, political, technical, environmental and pedagogical nature. Rather than seeking to formally define what…

Public spaces that the pedestrian is found to browse last fifteen years tend all to a minimal materiality expression. While destabilizing, these areas are to be strong proposals for new public space and urban experience of passersby. How do we lose…

This lecture intends to show how thought about ambiances allows to make more complex the sociology of action and to identify some political stakes in urban developments. The sociology of action's credit is to link the issue of space with the practice…

The plant has a place in the thinking of the future of our urbanity because the densification of the current city will generate a greater proximity between housing and urban dwellers, some sensible proxémie. The role of plants in the sense of…

In a context of an international interest for the question of urban spaces accessibility for elderly, we tend to construct an experimental protocol correlating data issues of commented walks, psychophysiologic measures of stress level engendered by…

Résumé. Cet article traite du rôle sensible de l'eau comme élément d'ambiance dans les jardins et les parcs publics. La mise en scène de l'eau a été transformée depuis le changement des jardins historiques par leur ouverture au public. La mise en…

The aim of the present study is to demonstrate that research focusing merely on economic and physical effects in a given area, and ignoring the social aspects and ambiance of new transport infrastructure, inevitably suffers a loss of quality. The…

The contemporary city is experienced through a framework of multiple spaces that individuals interact with on a daily and routine basis. These are not merely encounters with the built form, but are environments that are metabolized and personalized…

Ever since the early dada experimentations of the 1920's, art has participated in the emergence of a sense of "public space" in public places. By transferring works of art in actual public places, artists in general, and sound artists in particular,…

Digital signage is a form of electronic display on digital screens. Its content is regulated through a server that plays texts, animations, videos or slide shows for a targeted audience. Based on a fieldwork study on four streets in Paris, a typology…

Sound as a mediator of different qualities is not sufficiently taken into account in creative design processes of architectural and urban planning projects today. The currently weak interest among professionals in the architectural and urban planning…

The current research studies the insertion of commercial activity in cities from a sensory point of view. The main objective of this approach is to define and qualify the "sensory interfaces" in territories un-dergoing change. The evaluation of these…

L'ambiance défie le sens commun en unissant le tout en une idée peu saisissable. Si l'on ne peut en donner une définition arrêtée, il serait possible d'en dégager un rôle, une attitude, une posture, une problématique, une manière de saisir et de…
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