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  • Collection: Archives ouvertes des études urbaines

Después de varias décadas de un crecimiento demográfico rápido, las metrópolis latinoamericanas entraron a partir de los años 1980 a una nueva fase de su desarrollo. Su peso relativo en la población urbana nacional no aumenta más (Rodríguez, 2002:…

Después de varias décadas de un crecimiento demográfico rápido, las metrópolis latinoamericanas entraron a partir de los años 1980 a una nueva fase de su desarrollo. Su peso relativo en la población urbana nacional no aumenta más (Rodríguez, 2002:…

A partir de este ejemplo, se trata de sugerir algunas pistas de reflexión sobre el análisis de las desigualdades de acceso a los recursos urbanos, desde un enfoque a la vez global y biográfico de las movilidades. Una primera sección está dedicada a…

La presente ponencia tiene como objeto mostrar la evolución reciente de las desigualdades en materia de movilidad cotidiana de los habitantes de dos periferias populares de Bogotá, Madrid y Soacha. Las encuestas realizadas en 1993 y 2009 en los…

Ce second congrès sur les ambiances donne à voir une large palette de travaux sur les ambiances dans les domaines architecturaux, urbains, esthétiques, techniques , environnementaux, pédagogiques. Plutôt que de définir formellement la notion…

The issue of everyday life and familiar spaces in architectural conception of cities and more generally the environment has been part of professionnal reflections, particularly since the end of the Second World War. We propose to establish their…

Calais, France. A northern, industrial city, destroyed then rebuilt, a port city at the end of the Channel tunnel, a transit city for migrants. But there's more to these pictures than meets the eye. Calais and its inhabitants used to periodically…

As cities are investing in urban (re)development projects, local residents are affected by the changes directly. It is difficult, however, to qualify these experiences. The objective of this paper is to explore the importance of a study that…

This paper focuses on how electricity influences the environment of Parisian stores of the nineteenth century and its impact on architecture, environments, lifestyles and social culture of that time. We present literary and technical reading that…

The aim of the study is to investigate the intentionality of ambience into the project, through the use of the photographic instrument. The understanding of the photographic discipline is achieved with a "research - action": a methodology that…

After presenting a (non exhaustive) list of research groups and programs on "ambiances sonores urbaines" and "soundscapes" with which we developped our cognitive approach, we will process to some analysis of the denominations, translations and…

The theme of urban atmospheres allows the constitution of a "sensible gaze" in migration studies. In the cities are developed new forms of atmosphere sharings. Migrant populations seem to play an important role in that process and suggest other…

This paper proposes the artwork as an exploratory tool and means of expression for revealing the nature of a place permitting the enrichment of the project development process in urban design. We represent two sites in Montreal. The first is the old…

This contribution presents the way we use the concept of ambience and the method of "commented walk" with the intention of comprehending the expectations that two ecological neighborhood users have of the space they live in. We call these…

The paper argues the case for considering urban density as a social fact from social representations. The study of metropolitan inner suburbs seems to show that social representations contribute significantly to its latest attractiveness. The…

Walking is a relevant entry point and a good indicator of evolutions in urban society. The walker cannot be reduced to a pedestrian. Could walking become a new value and a collective urban intelligence for mobility and how can public space remain…

Cities are patchworks of alive locations, temporal hubs of activity where society continuously negotiates itself with nature and the architectural artefact. Places are bundles of memories, movements, changes and repetitions. On the whole, rhythmic…

Focused on different sound milieux in India, this paper examines public sites (residential areas, bus stations, Hindu temples, markets, etc.) as spaces for social interactions, cultivating different attention modalities and shaping specific social…

The Napoleonic Empire turned Paris around from an administrative to an industrial city. A new atmosphere created by sulfuric oxide smells took possession of the Right Bank with sulfuric acid and coal, while mercury fumes and chloride, used…

The soundscape representation seems to encircle a real challenge as on the one hand, noise maps enable a very limited reading and management of the urban sound environment quality, and on the other hand, its reduction to the graphic element endangers…
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