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  • Mots-clés: histoire urbaine
Présentation par l'éditeur : Parmi les plus vastes mégalopoles, Kinshasa témoigne d'une urbanisation débridée. De son noyau colonial historique aux banlieues en construction, la ville et ses habitants sont…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Fabienne Chevallier retrace à l’aide de sources encore inédites l’émergence de la modernité de Paris au XIXe siècle, sous-tendue par la notion de "Bien…
Abstract from the publisher : The industrialization of the nineteenth-century European city facilitated developing conceptions of the model city, and allowed for large scale urban transformations. The urban discourse in the latter half of the…
Abstract from the publisher : Cities, Texts and Social Networks examines the experiences of urban life from late antiquity through the close of the fifteenth century, in regions ranging from late Imperial Rome to Muslim Syria, Iraq and al-Andalus,…
Abstract from the publisher : In this study of Kuzguncuk, known as one of Istanbul’s historically most tolerant, multiethnic neighborhoods, Amy Mills is animated by a single question: what does it mean to live in a place that once…
Abstract from the publisher : World War I gave colonial migrants and French women unprecedented access to the workplaces and nightlife of Paris. After the war they were expected to return without protest to their homes–either overseas or…
Abstract from the publisher : Across the United States, historic preservation has become a catalyst for urban regeneration. Entrepreneurs, urban pioneers, and veteran city dwellers have refurbished thousands of dilapidated properties and put them…
Abstract from the publisher : At the close of the nineteenth century, industrialization and urbanization marked the end of the traditional understanding of society as rooted in agriculture. Urban Modernity examines the construction of an…
Abstract from the publisher : Moving beyond the usual good-versus-evil story that pits master-planner Robert Moses against the plucky neighborhood advocate Jane Jacobs, Samuel Zipp sheds new light on the rise and fall of New York's urban renewal in…
Présentation par l'éditeur : "Auberge des océans", bout du monde et aboutissement d’un continent, Le Cap est une ville mythique dont la légende est sans doute mieux connue que l’histoire…
Abstract from the publisher : For decades, a succession of military regimes and democratic governments in Brazil sought to shape the future of their society through the manipulation of urban spaces. Planned cities were built that reflected the…
Abstract from the publisher : In his compelling reinterpretation of American history, The Public and Its Possibilities, John Fairfield argues that our unrealized civic aspirations provide the essential counterpoint to an excessive focus on private…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Parmi les finalités de cet ouvrage, il y a la volonté d’instaurer un dialogue entre historiens du religieux et historiens de l’urbain. En effet, l’espace du religieux, en…
Leading intellectuals reimagine the city as a site of ceaseless change and motion. The metropolis is a site of endless making and unmaking. Restless Cities celebrates the ceaselessly inventive character of the metropolitan city from the nineteenth…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Cet ouvrage, consacré à Ismaïlia, deuxième ville créée ex nihilo le long du canal de Suez en 1862, fait suite au guide d’architecture de Port-Saïd…
Présentation de l'éditeur : New York est assurément une "ville d’art", par les collections exceptionnelles que ses musées ont accueilli depuis la fin du XIXe siècle, par la place prise par la ville…
Extract from the Preface: ...[T]he Joint Center for Urban Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, and the Harvard University Summer Session [decided] to convene a conference, in August, 1961, that would consider the…
Extract from the 'Biographical Note' by Barclay G. Jones : Lewis Mumford is certainly correct in describing The Growth of Cities in the Nineteenth Century as a "classic pioneer work". It is the first really sound, comprehensive, and…
Extract from the Introduction, 'What the fight is about' : The slum is as old as civilization... The battle with the slum began the day civilization recognized in it her enemy. It was a losing fight until conscience joined forces with fear and…
See also the Collections Portal of the Museum of the City of New York, where more than 1400 photographs taken by Riis are available to view online. See also a LibriVox audio recording of the book. Alternative link to a different full-text version…
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