Extract from the introduction :
How do cities develop and grow within the production system of modern capitalism? What forces govern the internal and external organization of their economies? How is the intraurban geography of production arranged,…
Extract from the introduction by Lisa M. Hanley, Blair A. Ruble and Joseph S. Tulchin :
Globalization has had a peculiar impact on cities all over the world, as much in the developed world as in the developing world. Globalization turned out to be…
Organisers' description :
The 3rd International Workshop on Post-communist Urban Geographies. Actors Shaping Urban Change carries on the tradition established by two earlier workshops held in Lund (2005) and Stockholm-Tallinn (2007) with the aim…
Editorial de Gwenaël Querrien :
Depuis vingt ans - la fin du régime soviétique datant de 1991 -, le développement économique et urbain de Moscou est spectaculaire, dans la logique néolibérale de la…
Présentation de l'éditeur : Village de pêcheurs devenu métropole mondiale en moins de vingt ans, lieu de tous les superlatifs (plus haut gratte-ciel, plus vaste centre commercial, plus grandes îles artificielles,…