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  • Mots-clés: politique urbaine

Organisers' description : Many contemporary European urban policy initiatives emphasise an area-based approach, which also aims to involve the community in planning and implementation of projects. There is a recognised need to strengthen the…

Organisers' description : An important international conference on globalism and urban change took place in Chicago from July 8-10, 2004. The aim of the City Futures conference was to boost the quality of international dialogue about urban issues…
Abstract from the publisher : Relationships between cities and energy, water, waste and transport networks are changing. World Cities and Climate Change argues that this is not something that is happening naturally but is the product of social,…

Abstract from the distributor: Since 1999 when Indonesia initiated the world’s biggest experiment with democratic decentralization (or regional autonomy ) administrations as the primary unit of analysis without disaggregating these two…
Abstract from the publisher : Every 20 years since 1920, Madrid has undergone an urban planning cycle in which a city plan was prepared, adopted by law, and implemented by a new institution. This preparation-adoption-institutionalization sequence,…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Attirés par les édifices remarquables, les perspectives régulières et le pittoresque, nous courons d'un site exceptionnel à un autre sans porter beaucoup d'attention aux…
Abstract from the publisher : City planning is an ancient activity but a modern profession. The city planning profession in the United States arose from the urban reform movements of the 1890s and early years of this century. Here, in a volume…
Abstract from the publisher : Garbage, wastewater, hazardous waste: these are the lenses through which Melosi views nineteenth- and twentieth-century America. In broad overviews and specific case studies, Melosi treats the relationship between…
See also the other books in this series: Part 1: The Hague (not available online) Part 2: Barcelona Part 3: Birmingham Part 5: Frankfurt Part 6: Lille Part 7: Comparative analysis
See also the other books in this series: Part 1: The Hague (not available online) Part 2: Barcelona Part 3: Birmingham Part 4: Brussels Part 6: Lille Part 7: Comparative analysis
See also the other books in this series: Part 1: The Hague (not available online) Part 2: Barcelona Part 4: Brussels Part 5: Frankfurt Part 6: Lille Part 7: Comparative analysis

Résumé : En Suisse comme dans de nombreux pays européens, on assiste depuis plusieurs décennies à un étalement urbain massif de l’habitat individuel peu dense hors du tissu des villes…
Présentation par l'éditeur : La personne et la personnalité de Jean-Eudes Roullier (1931-2010) sont indissociables de l'histoire de l'aménagement urbain du dernier tiers du XXe siècle. Cet énarque, devenu…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Comme toute la planète, la France n’a jamais été aussi urbanisée. Le monde urbain change, la France des villes avec lui. Des transformations profondes dans les rapports…

Abstract from the distributor: Inequality is intensifying in American cities with profound consequences for people’s well being and for broader society. This panel aims to make sense of where urban inequalities emerge, how they are…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Les dernières décennies ont vu se multiplier les recherches consacrées aux pratiques urbaines dans les pays d'Afrique subsaharienne, quelles aient été menées par…
Abstract from the publisher : In recent years there has been a growing focus on urban and environmental studies, and the skills and techniques needed to address the wider challenges of how to create sustainable communities. Central to that demand…

Abstract from the distributor : Dean Ellen Schall of NYU’s Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service and Provost Dianne Rekow of NYU’s Polytechnic Institute invite you a book party for author Jonathan Soffer discussing his new book, Ed…
Abstract from the publisher : In 1978, Ed Koch assumed control of a city plagued by filth, crime, bankruptcy, and racial tensions. By the end of his mayoral run in 1989 and despite the Wall Street crash of 1987, his administration had begun…
Abstract from the publisher: The Mysteries of the Great City examines the physical, cultural, and political transformations of the American city between the Gilded Age and the New Deal. Focusing on New York, Chicago, and Cincinnati, John Fairfield…
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