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  • Mots-clés: économie

Organisers' description : The principal aim of Urban Age is to shape the thinking and practice of urban leaders and sustainable urban development. This six-year conference series – travelling from New York City, Shanghai, London, Mexico City,…

Part of the Urban Age six-year conference series, this conference takes as its theme 'Shanghai : The fastest city?'. As well as a wealth of related data and analysis, mp3 recordings of the entire conference are available on the Urban Age website.…
Edward Glaeser looks at the history of New York and its contemporary character in order to answer the question of why New York became the largest city in America. He focuses especially on the economic aspects behind the city's growth.

Abstract from the publisher: Cities are an unprecedented focus of attention: over half the world now lives in them, culture and politics are shaped by them, and they are also focal points for new relationships between nature, technology and the…
Abstract from the publisher: How can we think about the urban within a political and geographical framework? This compelling new textbook scrutinizes urban politics through a theoretical and empirical lens to provide readers with a clear…
Abstract from the publisher : City politics is an ancient, enduring and vibrant enterprise that can be traced back over two millennia. Its key concerns include the nature of power, institutions, governance, community, scale and economic processes,…
Abstract from the publisher : Urban Tourism and Urban Change: Cities in a Global Economy provides both a sociological / cultural analysis of change that has taken place in many of the world's cities. This focused treatment of urban tourism examines…

Organisers' description : 14th International Planning History Society Conference will take place in Istanbul between the dates July 12-15, 2010. The conference will address the theme of “Urban Transformation: Controversies, Contrasts and…

Abstract from the distributor: The recent events in several cities across the UK, and more widely in Europe, have raised fundamental questions about the legitimacy of public programs, the crisis-prone nature of economies and ongoing resentment and…
From the back cover : First in a series of thematic volumes, this book was prepared for the Commission on Growth and Development to evaluate the state of knowledge of the relationship between urbanization and economic growth. It does not pretend to…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Les urbatopies sont des villes qui, comme Barcelone, Bilbao, Copenhague, Hambourg, Lyon, Nantes ou Vancouver, sont en train d'inventer l'urbanisme du XXIe siècle. On y travaille, on y vit, on y…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Voyager avec Venise comme boussole, c'est se placer délibérément du côté des marchands et de leurs comptoirs, établis jadis à travers toute la…
Présentation par l'éditeur : En 2000, l’IAU île-de-France consacrait deux numéros successifs de ses Cahiers (n° 127 et n° 128) aux "transports dans les grandes métropoles". Feuilleter ces…
Présentation par l'éditeur : L’admission de la Palestine comme membre de l’Unesco, le 31 octobre 2011, a réaffirmé le caractère éminemment politique de la reconnaissance internationale des objets…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Quels sont les contours du concept de proximité ? Comment différentes disciplines le définissent-ils ? En quoi peut-il être un instrument pour la compréhension de…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Regards sur la Terre consacre son dossier 2010 aux villes, espaces et acteurs en première ligne du développement durable. Au-delà du constat des enjeux et des obstacles à…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Lezs villes moyennnes suscitent aujourd'hui un intérêt grandissant : elles constituent une alternative au développement concentré sur les métropoles et contribuent à…
Abstract from the publisher : At a time of increasing globalisation processes, the search for competitiveness in urban regions has become a major political target for both local and central governments. The importance of the cities and their…
Abstract from the publisher : A timely revisitation of renowned urbanist-activist Jane Jacobs' lifework, What We See invites thirty pundits and practitioners across fields to refresh Jacobs' economic, social and urban planning theories for the…
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