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  • Mots-clés: environnement urbain

All too often, urban studies scholars have approached transnationalism as a zero-sum game in which localities, regionalities, and nationalities are suppressed in favor of a globalized set of identities. At least in the German case, however,…
Abstract from the publisher: The architecture and built environment of African cities are documented in groundbreaking photographs by acclaimed architect David Adjaye. David Adjaye is renowned for his highly acclaimed buildings in Europe and the…
Abstract from the publisher: Growing urbanization affects women and men in fundamentally different ways, but the relationship between gender and city environments has been ignored or misunderstood. Women and men play different roles, frequent…

Organisers' description: How are new digital media changing how we build and maintain the social connections that make urban environments vibrant? This panel brings together experts from humanities, social science, and technology to focus on…
Présentation par le diffuseur : À côté du minéral, du bâti, la biodiversité représente le "tissu vivant" de la ville. Dans un monde de plus en plus urbanisé, la…
Abstract from the publisher: First published in 1969, Roy Lubove's Twentieth-Century Pittsburgh is a pioneering analysis of elite driven, post-World War II urban renewal in a city once disdained as "hell with the lid off." The book…

Organisers' description : James Stirling Memorial Lecture on the City, LSE Cities Programme in collaboration with the Canadian Centre for Architecture and the Center for Architecture, New York. The speakers examine the problems and possibilities…
Extract from the Introduction: This book examines the efforts of planners and their advocates to harmonize city building and environmental protection. Despite its geriatric image, St. Petersburg is a young city, the product of America's amazing…

Présentation par l'éditeur : Pierre Sansot nous invite à le suivre au hasard de ses déambulations à travers la ville. Sa pensée vagabonde comme dans une conversation ininterrompue. La marche suscite la…
Présentation : Urban Dynamics est un projet vidéo international qui tente d'appréhender les dynamiques urbaines par le biais d'un collage d'environnements urbains du monde entier en assemblant des extraits de vidéos faits…

Présentation par l'organisateur : Dans l’espace urbain, le réseau internet est souvent associé au non lieu. Cette société de l’information a toutes les apparences de l’immatérialité…
Abstract from the publisher : Cities, initially a product of the manufacturing era, have been thoroughly remade in the image of consumer society. Competitive spending among affluent households has intensified the importance of style and design at…

Abstract from the distributor: For all their vibrancy and liveliness, cities face a growing challenge of providing secure and sustainable places to live. Even the world’s most ‘liveable cities’—Vancouver, Melbourne, Helsinki…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Sous l’impulsion d’associations militantes ou de politiques publiques, la ville se modifie. Le vert gagne du terrain. Plus profondément, plus durablement peut-être,…

Abstract from the distributor (see conference website for full details): Urban environments worldwide are in the midst of multiple shifts, driven by interconnected flows in capital, people, and resources at local, regional and global scales. It…

Abstract from the publisher: Some of the most intractable and enduring challenges of development are concerned with reducing insecurity. Early and very current development debates have been concerned with issues of food security. Ensuring…
Abstract from the publisher : This twice-yearly journal focuses on urban and environmental issues and their interconnections, with a particular emphasis on Africa, Asia and Latin America (where most of world's urban population now lives). Each…

Organisers' description : This major conference on the theme of The Vital City was held under the auspices of the European Urban Research Association (EURA). EURA brings together an inter-disciplinary network of urban researchers from across Europe…

Abstract from the distributor: By 2030 nearly 2 billion people will live in informal urban settlements or slums. Although living in abject poverty, slum communities are resilient and create new forms of urbanism. This panel will discuss current work…
Abstract from the publisher : Garbage, wastewater, hazardous waste: these are the lenses through which Melosi views nineteenth- and twentieth-century America. In broad overviews and specific case studies, Melosi treats the relationship between…
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