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Urban development : A new perspective

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Urban development : A new perspective


Asie, Asia, développement urbain, urbanisation, histoire urbaine, politique urbaine, environnement urbain, bidonville, démographie, croissance urbaine, Inde, India, Prasad B. K.


Abstract from the publisher :
Although it has often been taken as a general definition of the city and urban culture (whence the commonsense notion that cities must fulfill commercial functions), Pirenne's fomulation was deficient because only the European medieval city and its burgher culture were taken as typical of the "true" city. Max Weber in The City (1921) provided another definition of the city, similar to Pirenne's, when he contrasted "Occidental" with "Oriental" urbanism. According to Weber, five attributes define an urban community : it must possess (1) a fortification, (2) a market, (3) a law code and court system of its own, (4) an association of urban citizenry creating a sense of municipal corporateness, and (5) sufficient political autonomy for urban citizens to choose the city's governors.
Studying the cultural roles of cities must include not only the cultural beliefs and practices that emanate from cities but also the cultural forms that develop within the city as a result of the impact of the urban culture on it. In this way scholarship can bring forward a cross-culturally and historically valid conception of cities, their cultural forms, and the urban cultures in which they are set.
As a country develops from primarily an agricultural to an industrial economy, large scale migration of rural residents to towns ans cities takes place. During this process, the growth rate of urban areas is typically double the pace of overall population increase. Some 29 per cent of the world population was living in urban areas in 1950; this figure was 43 per cent in 1990, and is projected to rise to about 50 per cent by the year 2000. In this book, an attempt has been made to discuss urban development, its concepts and historical development. Thus we hope that it will be an immensely important edition for all those concerned with the discipline.   Contents :   Preface A history of the city in Monsoon Asia The post-urban period in Northwestern India Urbanization trends and urban policy issues Urban structure under dependent development Regional centres : An analysis of commodity flow pattern Spatial pattern of population growth Development controls and implementing machinery The urban environment Urbanization in India : Pattern and emerging policy issues Urbanization : Modernization and women's political participation Urban demographic profile Slum : The nature and the extent of the problem in India Urban poor an social ferment : A case study of Kolkata region A new perspective in the regional disparities in development : The Indian view Urbanization in 2001 A.D. : A sociological perspective  




Sarup & Sons






