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The urban post-industrial world: Sociation today (Vol. 4, No. 2)

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The urban post-industrial world: Sociation today (Vol. 4, No. 2)


, sociologie urbaine, société urbaine, ville post-industrielle, post-industrial city, aménagement urbain, gentrification, ségrégation urbaine, mixité sociale, étalement urbain, occupation du sol, déplacement de population, Conklin George H.


Abstract of the Editorial by George H. Conklin:
2006 is the year that the world as a whole becomes over half urban, yet no longer is the city the home of the industrial factory in the Western world. What shape should the new city take in the information age? Are we following an obsolete model when we plan in the Western world for a "new urbanism?" Does suburbanization have to fade away to promote racial justice? Why has urbanization concentrated poverty in the rural areas? We must re-examine these areas as sociologists and question past assumptions.
George H. Conklin - Urban organization and planning in the post-industrial city: An editorial and introduction to the Spring 2006 issue of Sociation Today
Ronald C. Wimberley and Libby V. Morris - The poor rural areas that must support "the cities of the future" Olivia Hetzler, Veronica E. Medina and David Overfelt - Gentrification, displacement and new urbanism: The next racial project Carles Jaret, Robert M. Adelman and Lesley Williams Reid - Suburban sprawl, racial segregation and spatial mismatch in metropolitan America Bob Jentsch - Land use planning and the consequences of smart growth Denise Hester - We shouldn't have to move out to move up Earl Smith and Angela Hattery - The prison industrial complex Roger Y. Klomegah - The social side of diabetes: The influence of social support on the dietary regimen of people with diabetes Michael Wise - Max Weber visits America: A review of the video   George H. Conklin is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at North Carolina Central University.  




The North Carolina Sociological Association  


Fall 2006


