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  • Collection: Multimédia

Abstract from the distributor: Do you ever wonder whether we should be optimistic or pessimistic about the future? If you want more reasons to think things may still turn out for the better, urban futurist and two-time TED speaker Alex…

Abstract from the organisers: Romola Sanyal’s talk will address multiple narratives of Dharavi, Mumbai and how these competing and complimentary narratives produce particular claims to citizenship. Much of the work is based around her recent…

Présentation par le diffuseur : Que sait-on des parcours urbains des personnes en situation de précarité? Quels lieux publics fréquentent-elles et quels en sont leurs usages? Ces questions se posent plus encore pour les…

Présentation par le diffuseur : Picon, La Busserine, Fontvert, Saint Barthélemy III, Les Iris, Les Flamands… Autant de cités construites à partir des années 60 et qui faisaient partie de ce que l’on…

Abstract from the distributor: Together with our partners at CoLab Radio, Polis is happy to present our newest project, the Polis Podcast on CoLab Radio. Our goal is to bring you a stimulating series of discussions, debates and interviews on a wide…

Abstract from the distributor: Among the many things that are anathema in contemporary urban planning, one of the most demonised is the large, ceremonial public square. The vast, proverbially windswept plazas built under 'really existing socialism'…

In this 2011 seminar at the Institute of Historical Research, University of London School of Advanced Study, Joseph de Sapio discusses fog in the representation of Victorian London, particularly from the perspective of tourists to the city. He argues…

The first panel of this symposium in celebration of Anthony Orum’s retirement: Great Cities/Ordinary Lives Conference - A look at the city and its residents from the bottom up Panel 1 : The lives of urban residents in a global world : Europe,…

The second panel of this symposium in celebration of Anthony Orum’s retirement: Great Cities/Ordinary Lives Conference - A look at the city and its residents from the bottom up Panel 2 : Cities : Place, space and everyday infrastructure…

The third panel of this symposium in celebration of Anthony Orum’s retirement: Great Cities/Ordinary Lives Conference - A look at the city and its residents from the bottom up Panel 3 : The lives of urban residents in a global world : Berlin,…

The keynote address of this symposium in celebration of Anthony Orum’s retirement: Great Cities/Ordinary Lives Conference - A look at the city and its residents from the bottom up, entitled "What do we do when we do urban…

The fourth panel of this symposium in celebration of Anthony Orum’s retirement: Great Cities/Ordinary Lives Conference - A look at the city and its residents from the bottom up Panel 4 : Cities : Novel readings of the city and the lives of…

The fifth panel of this symposium in celebration of Anthony Orum’s retirement: Great Cities/Ordinary Lives Conference - A look at the city and its residents from the bottom up Panel 5 : Listening to the voices and organizing the interests of…

A lecture by Gyan Prakash, author of Mumbai Fables (Princeton University Press, 2010). Princeton University Press: A place of spectacle and ruin, Mumbai exemplifies the cosmopolitan metropolis. It is not just a big city but also a soaring vision of…

Extract from a review of Mehrez's lecture, "Celebrating Cairo's 'Underground Historians'" by Nadeen Shaker: Samia Mehrez, a professor of Arab and Islamic Civilizations, describes Cairo as the protagonist of a story seen and told by its…

Abstract from the distributor: Jane Jacobs’s death in 2006 triggered many conversations around town about her legacy to New York. In particular, people have been mulling the question of whose urban vision – hers, or that of her arch…

Organisers' description: The recent financial crisis has demonstrated how vulnerable the world is to the actions of its financial institutions. It has provoked questions about the power of, and lack of control exerted over those who influence our…

Abstract from the distributor: Islington, Docklands, Clapham and East London have all experienced huge changes in recent years through social and aesthetic 'makeovers' as areas have been regenerated and wealthier residents have moved in.…
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