Abstract from the publisher: How can we think about the urban within a political and geographical framework? This compelling new textbook scrutinizes urban politics through a theoretical and empirical lens to provide readers with a clear…
Abstract from the publisher: Cities are an unprecedented focus of attention: over half the world now lives in them, culture and politics are shaped by them, and they are also focal points for new relationships between nature, technology and the…
Abstract from the publisher: This insightful book draws upon a wide range of disciplines – political economy, geography and international relations – to examine how Asia has returned to its central position in the world economy. As in…
Présentation par l'éditeur :
Comment l'action d'aménager l'espace (équiper, réhabiliter, renouveler la ville ...) est-elle analysée par le prisme économique ? Comment, en retour, ces analyses…
Présentation par l'éditeur : La ville est un défi majeur de ce siècle. Le lien entre la ville et le développement - en filigrane la pauvreté - fait débat. A ce sujet, deux thèses s'opposent :…
Présentation par l'éditeur :
Lezs villes moyennnes suscitent aujourd'hui un intérêt grandissant : elles constituent une alternative au développement concentré sur les métropoles et contribuent à…
Abstract from the publisher: With an expected population of 400 million by 2040, America is morphing into an economic system composed of 23 "megapolitan" areas that will dominate the nation’s economy by midcentury. These megapolitan…
Abstract from the publisher: Cities, by their very nature, are a mass of contradictions. They can be at once visually stunning, culturally rich, exploitative and unforgiving. In The Lure of the City Austin Williams and Alastair Donald explore the…
Abstract from the publisher : Some cities seem destined to become major financial capitals, yet never do—Seville, for instance, was the centre of Spain's opulent New World Empire, but failed to become a financial metropolis. Others, like…
Abstract from the publisher : This book explores the relationship between space and economy, the spatial expressions of the knowledge economy. The capitalist industrial economy produced its own space, which differed radically from its predecessor…
Abstract from the publisher : Urban geography in Canada is constantly undergoing changes and, as such, the study of the discipline must reflect these changes. Approaching the subject from a unique vantage point, Canadian Urban Regions: Trajectories…
Economie et développement urbain durable. Emissions urbaines : inventaires et politiques publiques & Transport et usage du sol
Présentation par l'éditeur :
Le réseau "Economie et Développement Urbain…
Abstract from the publisher : For most of the latter half of the twentieth century, Roppongi was an enormously popular nightclub district that stood out from the other pleasure quarters of Tokyo for its mix of international entertainment and…
Présentation par l'éditeur :
Quels sont les contours du concept de proximité ? Comment différentes disciplines le définissent-ils ? En quoi peut-il être un instrument pour la compréhension de…
Organisers' description : Virtually every city-region in West and Central Europe has developed policies and strategies to attract, retain and encourage creative industries and knowledge-intensive services. Since most of these citiy-regions tend to…
Abstract from the publisher :
A pioneering urban economist offers fascinating, even inspiring proof that the city is humanity's greatest invention and our best hope for the future.
America is an urban nation. More than two thirds of us live on the…
Abstract from the publisher : Company town: The very phrase sounds un-American. Yet company towns are the essence of America. Hershey bars, Corning glassware, Kohler bathroom fixtures, Maytag washers, Spam—each is the signature product of a…