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  • Mots-clés: immigration
Abstract from the publisher: In cities throughout Africa, local inhabitants live alongside large populations of “strangers.” Bruce Whitehouse explores the condition of strangerhood for residents who have come from the West African Sahel…

Situé en Petite Kabylie, Timzerit entretient des liens très étroits avec Saint-Etienne au travers du vaste mouvement de migration de ses hommes, venus ici pour travailler à la mine. Issu d'une recherche menée ici et là-bas, ce livre de Catherine…
L’équipe Diasporas (FRAMESPA - UMR 5136) et la Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration ont organisé du 13 au 15 octobre 2009 des journées d’étude autour de trois axes : - une…

Une livraison du Journal of the IUAES Commission on Urban Anthropology (volume 3, numéro 2, novembre 2013).

Sommaire :


- Brazil, a New Eldorado for Immigrants?: The case of Haitians and the Brazilian Immigration Policy
Gerald Frug is a Louis D. Brandeis Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and a specialist on legal problems of local government and legal theory.
Mémoire du Mirail est un documentaire construit autour de témoignages d’habitants du quartier du Mirail. De Yougoslavie, du Portugal, du Zaire ou du Maroc les habitants racontent leur arrivée, leur installation, leur intégration et leurs espoirs au…

Une fresque interactive et sonore mise en ligne par Arte

Le MuCEM, musée des civilisations méditerranéennes ! La capitale européenne de la culture ! Une fois de plus les regards se tournent vers Marseille.

ARTE consacre un documentaire à…
Abstract from the publisher: At first glance a study on cities and foreign policy may seem a bold leap into the future of international relations, but it represents, rather, a giant step into the present--into what is already taking place across…
Abstract from the publisher: Migrants have organized at all times and in all cities and places. The processes of their accommodation, however, differ, with local authorities and other state institutions playing an important role in these processes.…

Une livraison de la revue Z - Revue itinérante d'enquête et de critique sociale (N° 8, 2014).

Extrait de l'éditorial :

Sol glacé, doigts gelés, horizon givré. Un matin de décembre, bonnets enfoncés jusqu’au cou, une petite équipe de Z avance…
Abstract from the publisher : This volume of The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture offers a current and authoritative reference to urbanization in the American South from the eighteenth century to the twenty-first, surveying important southern…

From the introduction by Elijah Anderson : The articles collected in this special issue are based on papers presented at the Yale Urban Ethnography Conference, ‘Urban Ethnography: Its Traditions and Its Future’, held at Yale University…

Extract from the introduction by Marco Bontje : After the conference, the participants have been asked to write a book contribution based on their presentations... While all contributions to this volume have been written by researchers from…

Extract from the Editorial: In recent decades, settlement development in Germany has been determined by suburbanisation, particularly residential suburbanisation. The family was long regarded as the main driving force in this process. The common…
Abstract from the publisher : Huge social transformations and turbulent political events - 9/11 and the political murders of Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh - have put urban issues high on the political agenda of the Netherlands. Against this…
From the introduction by Izhak Schnell : Special Issue: “Bridging Diversity in a Globalizing World” Selected Papers given at the IGU - Urban Commission Meeting Regional Conference, July 2010, Tel Aviv, Israel This volume is a result of…
Abstract from the publisher : The "German Journal of Urban Studies", like its predecessor of many years standing, the "Archiv für Kommunalwissenschaften", is a forum for all disciplines related to urban studies. The…
Abstract from the publisher : Over the centuries, people from all parts of the world have been drawn to the city of Amsterdam. While immigrants adapted to local customs, opportunities and constraints, their practices and habits have left indelible…

Sommaire du numéro 80 des Cahiers de la Méditerranée : Maria Helena Trindade Lopes The Mediterranean Sea: the language of history Amélia Polónia European seaports in the Early Modern Age: concepts, methodology…
Extrait de la présentation par les rédacteurs : Le dossier des Cahiers, introduit par Jacques Girault, guide historien de la plupart des travaux rassemblés ici, croise des points de vue sur cette gigantesque dimension du social,…
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