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  • Mots-clés: urbanité
Extract from Part I - Introductory: The modern city: The most striking characteristics of present-day civilization are industrialization and urbanization. They present the environment, both natural and human, to which an increasing majority of people…
Contents : I. The beginnings of city life : 1. The origin of city life 2. The emergence of urbanism II. The location of the city : 1. The urban site 2. General geographic location III. The physical setting of city life : 1. The developmental history…
Extract from the Introduction, 'What the fight is about' : The slum is as old as civilization... The battle with the slum began the day civilization recognized in it her enemy. It was a losing fight until conscience joined forces with fear and…
Contents : Robert E. Park - The city : Suggestions for the investigation of human behavior in the urban environment Ernest W. Burgess - The growth of the city : An introduction to a research project R. D. McKenzie - The ecological approach to the…
See also the Collections Portal of the Museum of the City of New York, where more than 1400 photographs taken by Riis are available to view online. See also a LibriVox audio recording of the book. Alternative link to a different full-text version…
Extract from the introduction : The object of this study is to describe and analyze the adjustments individuals make to modern conditions of urban development in a West African community. For most parts of tropical Africa, cities were not part of…
Extract from the preface by Otto F. Kraushaar: The essays which make up this colume represent the thoughtful efforts of a number of distinguished specialists to examine afresh the implications of urbanism for modern man. They were presented during…
Extract from the Preface: In Downtown San Francisco, just one block from the Transamerica pyramid, is the large relict basement of the International Hotel. The lot has stood empty since 1977. In the Western Addition, one and a half miles to the…
Abstract from the publisher: In 1971, a group of young people broke into a closed down military area in Copenhagen. It was located not more than a mile from the Royal Danish Palace and the Danish parliament. Soon, the media published images and…
From the preface : Most books about twentieth-century Greenwich Village history focus on the artists, writers, and cultural radicals whose activities brought the Village international fame as America's bohemia. Other residents of the Village, if…
From the preface : Many recent urban sociology textbooks have come close to abandoning the traditional concern of urban sociology, which is the community in urban society. Emphasis has shifted to individual adaptations to urban society or to…

Le CAUE de l'Essonne et le CRPVE publient les textes des interventions des deux cycles des universités populaires de la ville et de l'urbanité qu'ils ont organisés de 2007 à 2009 Sommaire : les universités de la…

Présentation par l'éditeur : Depuis qu’elles ont envahi le petit écran, les séries américaines connaissent un succès croissant, d’abord de la part du grand public puis, plus récemment, des…
Extrait de l'édito : C’est là que vit une grande partie de la population française. Une population qui souhaite disposer d’espaces naturels, d’un jardin, d’une maison et qui, en même temps, souhaite…
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