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  • Mots-clés: espace urbain
Présentation par l'éditeur : On se souviendra du poème de Baudelaire : "La forme d'une ville / Change plus vite, hélas ! que le cœur d'un mortel". En trois essais décisifs, Rem Koolhaas nous oblige…
Abstract from the publisher : Cultures of the City explores the cultural mediation of relationships between people and urban spaces in Latin/o America and how these mediations shape the identities of cities and their residents. Addressing a broad…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Fascinante et effrayante, anonyme mais source de promiscuité, la ville constitue l'une des sources majeures d'inspiration d'une production littéraire et artistique marquée par la…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Partager un langage commun sur l’espace de notre cadre de vie et promouvoir l’Art urbain au sens donné par le Séminaire Robert Auzelle, tel est l’objet du "Vocabulaire…
Abstract from the publisher : Sutton, Kemp, and their contributors demonstrate the importance of place as a site of oppression and transformation, offering placemaking strategies that agents of change in a variety of disciplines can use in working…
Abstract from the publisher : Unprecedented crime rates have made Guatemala City one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Following a peace process that ended Central America’s longest and bloodiest civil war and impelled the transition…
Abstract from the publisher : Our cities are "smart" and getting smarter as information processing capability is embedded throughout more and more of our urban infrastructure. Few of us object to traffic light control systems that respond…
Abstract from the publisher : This book explores and critiques the process of spatial regulation in post-war New York, focusing on the period after the fiscal crisis of the 1970s, examining the ideological underpinnings and practical applications…
Abstract from the publisher : Exploring the places where the rural and urban intersect, where many of the world’s people live. Much of the world’s population inhabits the urban fringe, an area that is neither fully rural nor urban.…
Abstract from the publisher : Does planning in contested cities inadvertedly make the divisions worse? The 60s and 70s saw a strong role of planning, social engineering, etc but there has since been a move towards a more decentralised…
Abstract from the publisher : The Roman province of Africa was one of richest in the Empire and as a result has some of the most spectacular remains. "The Cities of Roman Africa" examines the development of urban space and cultural life…
Abstract from the publisher : Presenting an original take on women’s safety in the cities of twenty-first century India, Why Loiter? maps the exclusions and negotiations that women from different classes and communities encounter in the…
Présentation par l'éditeur : D’où vient le sens de la ville ? Pourquoi et en quoi les villes diffèrent-elles les unes des autres ? Comment naissent les significations urbaines ? Et qu’est-ce que la ville, par…
Pratiques populaires liées à la production et à l'appropriation de l'espace en périphérie de la ville de Kinshasa (RD Congo) Présentation par l'éditeur : Le développement des…
Abstract from the publisher : From the years 2004 to 2008, Beijing and Shanghai witnessed the construction of an extraordinary number of new buildings, many of which were designed by architectural firms overseas. Combining ethnographic fieldwork,…
Présentation par l'éditeur : La cité – de la ville médiévale à la métropole moderne – est un observatoire privilégié pour l’étude des contacts interculturels ou…
Abstract from the publisher : In this pioneering study of contemporary Chinese urban form, Duanfang Lu provides an analysis of how Chinese society constructed itself through the making and remaking of its built environment. Drawing on archival…
Abstract from the publisher : This book provides an important account of how the city in South Asia is produced, lived and contested. It examines the diverse lived experiences of urban South Asia through a focus on contestations over urban space,…
Abstract from the publisher : This book explores the relationship between space and economy, the spatial expressions of the knowledge economy. The capitalist industrial economy produced its own space, which differed radically from its predecessor…
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