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Abstract from the publisher: Unskilled workers once flocked to Detroit, attracted by manufacturing jobs paying union wages, but the passing of Detroit's manufacturing heyday has left many of those workers stranded. Manufacturing continues to employ…

Located in the heart of Mumbai, Dharavi is estimated to be the largest slum in Asia. Often referred to as ‘Little India’, it has been home to thousands of migrants from across the country providing opportunities for work and livelihood. As such,…
Abstract from the distributor :

The reconstruction of Berlin, after the massive destruction it suffered in World War II, was complicated in two fundamental ways. First was the question of historical continuity. On the one hand, there was a desire…
Abstract from the distributor :

"Downtown" is the first history of what was once viewed as the heart of the American city. It tells the fascinating story of how downtown--and the way Americans thought about downtown--changed over time. By showing…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Comme quelques autres villes en France, Tours a la particularité d’être traversée en son centre par une grande infrastructure autoroutière, l’autoroute A10. Certains…

Morizet a été un membre très actif de la commission du Vieux Paris et de la commission des monuments historiques. Publié en 1932, son livre fait immédiatement référence. Il propose une histoire fouillée, documentée, systématique d’un siècle de…

Sommaire du numéro 80 des Cahiers de la Méditerranée : Maria Helena Trindade Lopes The Mediterranean Sea: the language of history Amélia Polónia European seaports in the Early Modern Age: concepts, methodology…

The 3rd European conference on African studies included a number of panels and papers on the subject of cities and urban studies, some of which are freely available as full text (see list below - only full-text papers on topics related to urban…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Par la fiction, avec son aide, vivre et appréhender la "ville", ici mégalopolis et capitale sur-dimensionnée de plus de dix millions d’habitants, permet de donner une…
Abstract from the publisher : In 1978, Ed Koch assumed control of a city plagued by filth, crime, bankruptcy, and racial tensions. By the end of his mayoral run in 1989 and despite the Wall Street crash of 1987, his administration had begun…

Abstract from the distributor : Dean Ellen Schall of NYU’s Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service and Provost Dianne Rekow of NYU’s Polytechnic Institute invite you a book party for author Jonathan Soffer discussing his new book, Ed…
Abstract from the publisher : Drinking a glass of tap water, strolling in a park, hopping a train for the suburbs: some aspects of city life are so familiar that we don’t think twice about them. But such simple actions are structured by…

Le développement du réseau d’égouts de Paris fut à la fois un triomphe de la technique et une réussite politique. Les égouts eux-mêmes constituaient un phénomène culturel significatif, et les hommes qui y travaillaient suscitaient la fascination du…

Abstract from the distributor : When I arrived at college in the early 1980s, drugs were cool, music was cool, and drug-music was especially cool. The coolest of the cool drug-music bands was The Velvet Underground. They were from the mean streets…

Sommaire du n° 1, vol.4 de la Revue d'histoire de l'Université de Sherbrooke : Le commerce des vins en Languedoc, une affaire entre villes et campagnes (1900-1950) Stéphane Le Bras, Université de Montpellier Les werps…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Au travers d’études d’histoire de l’art et d’essais d’histoire culturelle, ce livre aborde les liens entre la ville, ses transformations aux XVIIIe et XIXe…

Acteur central des chantiers et des polémiques du XIXe siècle associés aux rénovations et reconstruction des monuments historiques majeurs de la France, Viollet-le-Duc traverse le siècle de sa présence géniale et controversée.

L’ouvrage suit la…

Papers presented at the 2004 European Association for Urban History (EUAH)'s conference 'European city in comparative perspective : Seventh international conference on urban history' are available for download as full-text PDF files. 144 papers are…
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