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  • Mots-clés: renouvellement urbain
Abstract from the publisher: This volume traces the major decisions, events, programs, and personalities that transformed the city of Pittsburgh during its urban renewal project, which began in 1977. Roy Lubove demonstrates how the city showed…

Part of the Urban Age six-year conference series, this conference takes as its theme 'London : Europe's global city?'. As well as a wealth of related data and analysis, mp3 recordings of the entire conference are available on the Urban Age website.…

Organisers' description : Please join us for a comparative and historical analysis of the gentrification of the Near North Side of Chicago. Professor Bodnar will examine the communities that have replaced the Cabrini-Green housing…

Abstract from the distributor : Urban regeneration is a key focus for public policy throughout Europe. This launch marks an examination of social sustainability through the analysis of its meaning and significance. The authors will offer a…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Pourquoi, malgré les investissements consentis au cours de vingt années de politique de la ville, les résultats sont-ils aussi peu tangibles ? Lorsque pour des quartiers entiers se…

Les acteurs de marché font-ils la ville ? Un dossier publié par Charlotte Halpern et Julie Pollard sur Espaces

Sommaire :

- "Les acteurs de marché font-ils la ville ?", par Charlotte Halpern et Julie Pollard
La ville est-elle…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Les villes du Québec, comme celles de l’ensemble des pays occidentaux ont été marquées par plusieurs périodes distinctes de croissance économique, une assez…
Elena Piffero is Doctor of Philosophy in International Cooperation and Sustainable Development Policies at the University of Bologna, Italy. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works license 3.0. Alternative link to the…
Abstract from the publisher : A timely revisitation of renowned urbanist-activist Jane Jacobs' lifework, What We See invites thirty pundits and practitioners across fields to refresh Jacobs' economic, social and urban planning theories for the…
Abstract from the publisher : Public spaces mirror the complexities of urban societies: as historic social bonds have weakened and cities have become collections of individuals public open spaces have also changed from being embedded in the social…
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