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  • Mots-clés: urbanisation
Présentation par l'éditeur : Half of humanity now lives in cities, and within two decades, nearly 60 per cent of the world’s people will be urban dwellers. Urban growth is most rapid in the developing world, where cities gain an…
Extract from the Preface: ...[T]he Joint Center for Urban Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, and the Harvard University Summer Session [decided] to convene a conference, in August, 1961, that would consider the…
Extract from the 'Biographical Note' by Barclay G. Jones : Lewis Mumford is certainly correct in describing The Growth of Cities in the Nineteenth Century as a "classic pioneer work". It is the first really sound, comprehensive, and…
Extract from the introduction : The object of this study is to describe and analyze the adjustments individuals make to modern conditions of urban development in a West African community. For most parts of tropical Africa, cities were not part of…
Extrait de l'avant-propos : Le présent travail prétend être un livre de sociologie, quoiqu'il renferme seulement une tentative de traiter avec quelque méthode un objet relativement précis et défini :…
Quatrième de couverture : What does the Western city at the end of the twentieth century look like? How did the modern metropolis of congestion and density turn into a posturban or even postsuburban cityscape ? What are edge cities and…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Cet ouvrage est le produit d’une recherche collaborative entre l’Institut de Recherche pour le développement (IRD, France), l’Université de Legon (Ghana) et le…
Abstract from the publisher: Capital cities today remain central to both nations and states. They host centres of political power, not only national, but in some cases regional and global as well, thus offering major avenues to success, wealth and…
Abstract from the publisher: As a result of repeated experiences with devastating earthquakes, storms, floods, and wildfires, places like Tokyo, Mexico City, San Francisco, and Los Angeles are already identified with catastrophe in both scientific…
Extract from the Introduction: Focusing on Germany during the period when that country experienced its great age of industrial urbanization, this book treats ideas about cities, views of deviant behavior, and the socially reformist implications of…
Extrait du préambule : Comment questionner l’étalement urbain, quels savoirs mobiliser et quels outils mettre en œuvre pour agir et améliorer le cadre de vie ? De nombreux CAUE ont décidé de…
Extract from the introduction by George F. McLean and Robert Magliola : Ten years ago an international seminar of The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy took up this question of "urbanization and values". The study printed…
Abstract from the publisher : The Russian City Between Tradition and Modernity provides a comprehensive history of urban development in European Russia during the last half of the nineteenth century. Using both statistical perspectives on…
From the preface : The American city: we think of the Manhattan skyline, of Chicago curving along the shore of Lake Michigan, or of the Golden Gate Bridge arcing into San Francisco. Or, if we think historically, we might envision steerage…
Abstract from the publisher : In Volume 1 of this two-volume publication, the authors review the international literature on urbanisation. They locate urbanisation in broader social transformations, study the role of households in the process of…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Qui dit gouvernance efficace dit transparence, responsabilité, crédibilité et stabilité de l’organisme gouvernant et partenariats coopératifs avec les secteurs…

Située à 12 km de Lille, la ville de Hem s'est urbanisée massivement lors des Trente Glorieuses pour répondre aux besoins de logements d'un pays en pleine croissance économique, démographique et urbaine. Ce…
Abstract from the publisher: Integrated City Making is a report by Philipp Rode, Julie Wagner, Richard Brown, Rit Chandra and Jayaraj Sundaresan of the Urban Age Programme at the London School of Economics and Political Science. In 2007, Urban Age…
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