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  • Mots-clés: urbanisation

Dans le domaine de l'urbanisme, le zonage fonctionnaliste est aujourd'hui mis en cause par la rhétorique du projet. Or, dans le même temps, la délimitation de périmètres d'intervention et de prescription apparaît comme une solution généralisée, non…

Nés entre Jérusalem et Acre dans le courant du 12e siècle, les premiers ordres militaires sont tous issus d'un milieu profondément marqué par la ville. Les confréries guerrières apparues dans le cadre de la christianisation de la Baltique et de la…
Abstract from the publisher : Urban Design Since 1945: A Global Perspective reviews the emergence of urban design as a global phenomenon. The book opens with the urgent need to rebuild cities and re-house the millions of refugees living in camps…
NB : As of November 2010, the publisher's site is under construction. Details of the book are available from Amazon. Abstract from the publisher : In reading Chinese cities, as this volume attempts to do, the focus is not primarily on well-known…
Abstract from the publisher : Exploring the places where the rural and urban intersect, where many of the world’s people live. Much of the world’s population inhabits the urban fringe, an area that is neither fully rural nor urban.…
Un petit film documentaire visant à valoriser la ville de Détroit, qui concourrait alors pour organiser les Jeux Olympiques de 1968.

Promotional film made for the City of Detroit, an unsuccessful bidder for the Olympic Games. With views of city…
À l’heure où le monde est en train de basculer dans l’urbain généralisé, il est plus que jamais nécessaire de s’interroger sur les défis et les enjeux que ce basculement rend inévitables et auxquels les sept milliards d’individus que compte…

L’urbanisation de la Chine devient-elle sans commune mesure ? Ses métropoles sont-elles en train de s’imposer comme les villes mondiales de demain ? Que traduit l’actuelle embolie du marché immobilier ? Les villes chinoises perdent-elles leur âme…
Extract from the lecture transcript :

Today, I want to do the impossible and talk about urbanization and urban growth in fifty minutes. I'll give the classic example, which is the greatest project of human intervention or rebuilding, that is the…
Abstract from the publisher : We live in a world of big cities. Urbanization, globalization and modernization have received considerable attention but rarely are the connections and relations between them the subjects of similar attention. Cities…
Abstract from the publisher : By the middle of the twenty-first century, more than fifty per cent of the world's population will live in an urban environment. Most of this new urban growth will take place in Asia and Africa, yet most governments in…
Abstract from the publisher : - Questions the centrality of globalization in explaining change in Asian cities and examines developing Asian cities in their own terms rather than as variants of Western urbanization. - Explores middle cities…

NB: To access the full text of these articles, free registration is required Abstract from the publisher: The Brown Journal of World Affairs is a nonprofit, semi-annual publication produced at Brown University. It responds to the need for a clear,…
A first of its kind, this COHRE report examines the worldwide phenomenon of urbanisation from the point of view of women’s housing rights. The report focuses, in particular, on the experiences of women and girls living in slum communities…
Abstract from the publisher : The Open Urban Studies Journal is an Open Access online journal which publishes original research articles, reviews and short articles in the field of urban and regional studies. Topics covered include : theory,…

La revue Problèmes économiques consacre un dossier aux villes dans la globalisation. Sommaire du dossier : Révolution urbaine (Finances et Développement : David E. Bloom et Tarun Khanna) La gig@city, nouveau lieu de…
Abstract from the publisher : This volume of The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture offers a current and authoritative reference to urbanization in the American South from the eighteenth century to the twenty-first, surveying important southern…
Extract from the Foreword by Heitor Gurgulino de Souza : With contributions from prominent urban planning scholars and experts in Africa, The Urban Challenge in Africa: Growth and Management of Its Large Cities, edited by Professor Carole Rakodi of…
Abstract from the publisher : An overview of scholarly research, both published and previously unpublished, on the history of a city that has often served as a case study for measuring social change. It synthesizes the literature and assesses how…
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