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  • Mots-clés: économie
NB : Note that this report is available as a read-only version, with a large stamp superimposed over the text in the right-hand corner. It is also available for purchase as a print or e-book. Abstract from the publisher : As the hubs of economic…
Abstract from the publisher : At the center of the 2,000 mile U.S.-Mexico border, a sprawling transnational urban space has mushroomed into a metropolitan region with over two million people whose livelihoods depend on global manufacturing,…

Une des missions de l’Apur est d’analyser les évolutions sociétales. C’est notamment dans le cadre des Observatoires auxquels l’Atelier est associé que sont menées des réflexions sur la famille, l’habitat, le logement, le développement économique et…
Abstract from the publisher : Urban geography in Canada is constantly undergoing changes and, as such, the study of the discipline must reflect these changes. Approaching the subject from a unique vantage point, Canadian Urban Regions: Trajectories…

Organisers' description : Dr. Weber will discuss her research on periods of rapid change in the physical fabric of the city -- the dizzying "construction booms" when the real estate industry, financial system, and public planning all…
Extract from the introduction by Lisa M. Hanley, Blair A. Ruble and Joseph S. Tulchin : Globalization has had a peculiar impact on cities all over the world, as much in the developed world as in the developing world. Globalization turned out to be…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Rassembler dans un document unique les analyses donnant une vision globale et actuelle des caractéristiques des Franciliens et de l’Île-de-France et de leur évolution, telle est…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Jusqu'en 1991, Moscou était simplement une ville disposée autour du Kremlin, siège d'un pouvoir politique régissant toute activité économique et interdisant toute…

NB : A video is also available, but only covers 28 minutes of Saunders' talk and that of Michael Keith, the respondent. The audio file covers the question and answer session that follows.

Présentation par le diffuseur : Parallèlement aux Journées Européennes du Patrimoine, la zone industrielle d’Arnavant fête ses 40 ans le 17 septembre 2009, et convie le public à découvrir ce…

Abstract from the distributor : New census results show Detroit has lost twenty-five percent of its population over the last decade. It's one of many cities adjusting to fewer residents. Diane and her guests discuss the reasons for the loss in…

Sommaire du numéro 4 : Articles : Alain Weber - "Aménagement urbain et post-keynésianisme" Philippe Genestier, Bernard Jouve et Paul Boino - "L’aménagement urbain et territorial, entre…
Abstract from the publisher : The most pressing question facing the small and mid-sized cities of America's industrial heartland is how to reinvent themselves. Once-thriving communities in the Northeastern and Midwestern U. S. have decayed sharply…

Organisers' description : Africa is the fastest urbanising region in the world, and has become the focus of increasing attention from architects and planners, academics, development agencies and urban think-tanks. Professor Edgar Pieterse argues for…

Présentation par l'éditeur : Menée à Abidjan et à Dakar, cette étude décrit les formes de privatisation made in Africa des services urbains. L'Etat et les collectivités locales bradent le…

Organisers' description: The recent financial crisis has demonstrated how vulnerable the world is to the actions of its financial institutions. It has provoked questions about the power of, and lack of control exerted over those who influence our…
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