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Organisers' description : Aims of City Futures in a Globalising World The central aim of the Madrid Conference in 2009 is to lift the quality of international dialogue about urban issues by: * Creating a whole conference sharply focussed on…

Croissance urbaine et modèles migratoires à Prague au temps du communisme et dans la période de transition

Cet article présente le rôle des migrations dans le développement de l'agglomération pragoise depuis la fin du XIXe siècle en insistant sur…
Abstract from the publisher : Huge social transformations and turbulent political events - 9/11 and the political murders of Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh - have put urban issues high on the political agenda of the Netherlands. Against this…
Abstract from the publisher : Cities are more important as cultural entities than their mere function as dormitories and industrial sites. Yet, the understanding of what makes a city 'alive' and appealing in cultural terms is still hotly contested -…

This PhD thesis deals with city marketing: cities making use of marketing ideas, concepts and tools. Marketing has proved its value in the business environment, but what about applying marketing in the context of cities? How can cities make effective…
Extract from the introduction 'The Problem': Suketu Mehta - Runaway: A chronicle of metropolitan transience
Abstract from the publisher : City of Extremes is a powerful critique of urban development in greater Johannesburg since the end of apartheid in 1994. Martin J. Murray describes how a loose alliance of city builders—including real estate…

Extract from the editorial by Geoff Stahl : This special section of Culture Unbound: “City Signs/Signs of the City” is a collection of essays that deals with the semiotic push and pull of cities, or what Roland Barthes has referred to…

Dans la série City One le regard de Vincent Fillon tourne autour et plonge dans un quartier de Hong Kong : cinquante-deux tours identiques, répétition des masses, des lignes et des ouvertures, nous sommes dans un environnement paradoxalement abstrait…

Abstract from the publishers : City Sites is an inter- and multi-disciplinary study of the iconography, spatial forms and visual and literary cultures of New York and Chicago in the period 1870s to 1930s. City Sites is the result of collaborative…
Extract from the catalogue : The exhibition City Visions 1910 | 2010 is a celebration of the anniversary of the General Town Planning Exhibition. It compares two key moments in time: The years around 1910 and 2010. 1910 The planning exhibition…

This thesis examines the extent and the nature of city-to-city co-operation (CTCC) for sustainable development among UK local authorities. Policy-makers and analysts believe that various forms of local authority co-operation, here termed CTCC, will…
Extract from the editorial by Masayuki Sasaki : Global society is experiencing a transition away from the existing socio-economic system, and there is a need to question and rethink existing theories in the domains of the humanities and social…
From the editorial by Toshio Mizuuchi : The special issue on ‘‘Housing poverty, homelessness, and the transformation of urban governance in East Asian cities’’ has been designed under the initiative of the East Asian…
Abstract from the publisher : The 21st century has been dubbed the century of cities - sustainable cities, compact cities, post-modern cities, mega-cities, and more. CCS focuses on urban governance in the 21st century, under the banner of cultural…
Abstract from the publisher: The 21st century has been dubbed the century of cities - sustainable cities, compact cities, post-modern cities, mega-cities, and more. CCS focuses on urban governance in the 21st century, under the banner of cultural…

Large international events like the Olympic Games put cities on the world map. CityEvents, place selling in a Media Age addresses the question how cities have been raising their profile internationally by hosting large international events throughout…

A Simple Model of Working Time as a Taktgeber Even the everyday talking on cities has time connotations. We speak of a metropolis, a harbour city, a commercial city, a university town, an industrial town and the like. All these descriptions indicate…

El artículo intentará ilustrar, basándose en la obra del escritor Enrique Serna, cómo la ciudad tentacular puede ser un freno para la plena realización personal del individuo. En lugar de un terreno propicio para la elaboración de su integridad…
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