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Abstract from the publisher : The Roman province of Africa was one of richest in the Empire and as a result has some of the most spectacular remains. "The Cities of Roman Africa" examines the development of urban space and cultural life…
Abstract from the publisher : An acclaimed sociologist illuminates the public life of an American city, offering a major reinterpretation of the racial dynamics in America. Following his award-winning work on inner-city violence, Code of the…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Véritable pendant de Apprendre à voir l'architecture (1959, 18 éditions) pour la compréhension de l'urbanisme, Apprendre à voir la ville permet de cerner tous les…
Abstract from the publisher : Does planning in contested cities inadvertedly make the divisions worse? The 60s and 70s saw a strong role of planning, social engineering, etc but there has since been a move towards a more decentralised…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Thèse pour le doctorat en science politique de l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris soutenue sous le titre : Styles de vie citadins, réinvention des féminités. Une sociologie…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Le XXIe siècle connaîtra-t-il, parallèlement au dépérissement international et national de l’État, un "nouvel âge mondial des villes" ? On…
Présentation par l'éditeur : L’ouvrage de Ioana Iosa, conçu à partir de sa thèse de doctorat, affirme avant tout sa volonté d’inscrire l’apologie monumentale que représente le Centre…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Alors que l’État relance son plan Ecoquartiers et que les initiatives pour un urbanisme durable se multiplient en France et à l’étranger, le Comité 21 livre sa vision…
Abstract from the publisher : Does the place where you lived as a child affect your health as an adult? To what degree does your neighbor's success influence your own potential? The importance of place is increasingly recognized in urban research…
Abstract from the publisher : Tomography is a method of exploring a phenomenon through a large number of examples or perspectives. In medical tomography, such as a CAT scan, two-dimensional slices or images of a three-dimensional organ are used to…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Qu’est-ce que la cité ? Comment a-t-elle commencé ? Quelles ont été les phases de son développement ? Est-elle destinée à disparaître, ou notre…
Abstract from the publisher : Exploring the places where the rural and urban intersect, where many of the world’s people live. Much of the world’s population inhabits the urban fringe, an area that is neither fully rural nor urban.…
Abstract from the publisher : For most of the latter half of the twentieth century, Roppongi was an enormously popular nightclub district that stood out from the other pleasure quarters of Tokyo for its mix of international entertainment and…
Abstract from the publisher : In Imagining the Urban, Shonaleeka Kaul turns to Sanskrit literature to discover the characteristics—both physical and social—of ancient Indian cities. Kaul examines nearly a thousand years of Sanskrit…
Abstract from the publisher : This book explores and critiques the process of spatial regulation in post-war New York, focusing on the period after the fiscal crisis of the 1970s, examining the ideological underpinnings and practical applications…
Abstract from the publisher : How do political ideologies and urban landscapes intersect in the context of globalization? This volume illuminates the production of ideologies as both discursive and spatial phenomena in distinct contributions that…
Abstract from the publisher : Vico and Naples is an intellectual portrait of the Neapolitan philosopher Giambattista Vico (1668–1744) that reveals the politics and motivations of one of Europe’s first scientists of society. According to…
Que vont devenir nos villes maintenant que l'aménagement de leurs territoires n'est plus considéré comme le fondement de notre société ? Que restera-t-il du patrimoine, passé au rabot de la globalisation ? A…
Abstract from the publisher : Our cities are "smart" and getting smarter as information processing capability is embedded throughout more and more of our urban infrastructure. Few of us object to traffic light control systems that respond…
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