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  • Collection: Multimédia

NB : A video is also available, but only covers 28 minutes of Saunders' talk and that of Michael Keith, the respondent. The audio file covers the question and answer session that follows.

Abstract from the distributor : The RSA and the Centre for London at Demos gather a panel of expert commentators at the RSA to mark the 50th anniversary of Jane Jacobs’ landmark book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Jane…

Organisers' description : Cities are becoming larger, more diverse, more fluid, and less manageable than in the past. Beyond the obvious issues of infrastructure management, transportation, telecommunications, poverty, health care, migration, and…

Un reportage diffusé dans Là bas si j'y suis de Daniel Mermet Pour nous consoler de la rentrée, une balade dans les rues de Paris avec Eric Hazan "expert en déambulation érudite" et pour qui…

Mots-clés: ,

Présentation par le diffuseur : Débats : • Du règlement à l’urbanisme opérationnel : quelles marges de négociation ? Avec Eric Seynave, Maire-adjoint chargé de l’aménagement…

Présentation par le diffuseur : Débats : • Quelles réponses apportent-ils aux défis du XXIème siècle ? Avec Jean-Michel Morer, Maire de Trilport ; Christophe Hilairet, agriculteur, Président de…

Abstract from the distributor: Marilena Liguori's dissertation focuses on multiculturalism and ethnocultural diversity in Toronto and seeks to explore the everyday lived experiences of recent immigrants. This work examines the role of urban…

Transcribed excerpt from Professor Fincher's lecture: Today I'll be mentioning a number of different kinds of diversity... and asking the general question, what are our limits in allowing them their expression in the city? I'll be drawing on some of…

Présentation par le diffuseur : Conférence d'Hélène Bertheleu, sociologue, maître de conférences à l'Université de Tours et Muriel Cohen, doctorante en histoire, Université Paris-1,…

Abstract from the distributor: The presentations and discussion explored recent developments in urban studies ranging across topics such as emerging conceptions of urban politics, new approaches to the interpretation of urban culture, and conceptual…

Présentation par le diffuseur : Recherche exploratoire sur les caractéristiques acoustiques, la dimension et l'identité sonores de cinq grands ports européens - Anvers, Brest, Barcelone, Gênes, Marseille - à…

Abstract from the distributor: For all their vibrancy and liveliness, cities face a growing challenge of providing secure and sustainable places to live. Even the world’s most ‘liveable cities’—Vancouver, Melbourne, Helsinki…

Présentation par le difuseur : Chaque matinée de la Ville à l’État Gazeux proposait des témoignages de chercheurs et d’acteurs urbains sur des sujets tout public. La ville sensible, grand thème…

Abstract from the distributor: ‘No urbanism without urbanists’ might be a slogan that captures the European and North American urban experience over the past two centuries. Indeed, it is arguable that urbanism is not only an empirical…

Abstract from the distributor: This paper considers the work of one of Indonesia’s most prominent contemporary writers, Seno Gumira Ajidarma. In this paper, I look at how Seno’s writing over the last 30 years traces and documents changes…

Abstract from the distributor: Since 1999 when Indonesia initiated the world’s biggest experiment with democratic decentralization (or regional autonomy ) administrations as the primary unit of analysis without disaggregating these two…

Song Ping is a Professor of Anthropology at Xiamen University, China.

Abstract from the distributor: This talk proposes to explore the complex origins of a unique cosmopolitan culture in 1980s Hong Kong, which among other things represented the historical intersection of a changing colonialism, divisive nationalist…
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