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  • Mots-clés: mutation urbaine
Edward Glaeser looks at the history of New York and its contemporary character in order to answer the question of why New York became the largest city in America. He focuses especially on the economic aspects behind the city's growth.

This symposium considered the similarities and differences in the histories of urban modernization in cities during the late 19th through the early 21st century—with a look at global cities now under construction or in the planning stages. The…
In this lecture, part of the Case Western Reserve University symposium 'Tipping Points in Urban Change: Modern Perspectives on Agents of Urbanization', Peter G. Rowe discusses shifting mindsets in the recent history Seoul. Much of his lecture focuses…
Robert Fishman teaches in the urban design, architecture, and urban planning programs at the University of Michigan. He received his Ph.D. and A.M. in history from Harvard and his A.B. in history from Stanford University. He is a nationally…
Bruegmann's fields of research and teaching are architectural, urban, landscape, and planning history and historic preservation. He has received scholarships and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Graham Foundation, the…
Readings on Urban Utopias in Theory and Practice

David Harvey is a leading theorist in the field of urban studies, currently working in the Anthropology department at the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Centre.
L’architecte est-il encore partie prenante dans la production de l’urbain ? Les domaines d’exercice professionnel de l’architecture ou de l’urbanisme couvrent-ils encore l’ensemble des champs de compétence et de fonctionnalité nécessaires pour…
Un documentaire de Patrick Taliercio

À Marseille, la rue de la République est un projet immobilier remontant au xixe siècle. Conçus pour une clientèle bourgeoise, les appartements n’ont jamais su attirer la clientèle visée. C’est à cette "anomalie…
Intervention d'Alain Musset dans le cadre du séminaire "Représenter la ville". Présentation par le diffuseur : En utilisant les outils d’une géographie historique et culturelle, située au…
Présentation par le diffuseur : Marseille prétend aujourd'hui au titre de métropole méditerranéenne. On assiste à un ensemble de mutations économiques et sociales qui ont pour but un changement…

Présentation par le diffuseur : Au-delà de l’impact visible des chantiers, les changements de la ville font l’objet de processus complexes et échelonnés dans le temps, subissant des aléas, des…

Présentation par le diffuseur : Entre la médina, le souk et Facebook L’espace public dans le monde arabe. Vers une métamorphose urbaine ? L’espace public comme forme ouverte (place, jardin public, boulevard, etc.)…

Abstract from the distributor: Cities are the engines of metropolitan growth in the U.S. economy today. But key economic, demographics and environmental challenges threaten this role. Home to enormous economic disparities, struggling schools,…

Abstract from the distributor: City planning initiatives and redesign of urban structures often become mired in debate and delay. Despite the fact that cities are considered to be dynamic, innovative and flexible spaces, never finished but always…

Organisers' description : The scholarship with regard to the process of urbanization in the context of globalization has been dominated by the "global cities" paradigm in which Saskia Sassen outlines the increasing centrality of cities as…

Organisers' description : Dr. Weber will discuss her research on periods of rapid change in the physical fabric of the city -- the dizzying "construction booms" when the real estate industry, financial system, and public planning all…

Organisers' description : We hear a lot about the poverty and chaos of African cities, but in this edition of Amsterdam Forum, urbanist Abdoumaliq Simone argues that there is also a ferment of resourcefulness that makes cities vibrant places. It…

Aromar Revi is an international consultant, practitioner and researcher with nearly twenty five years of inter-disciplinary experience in public policy, governance, institutional development, as well as the political economy of reform, development,…

Présentation par le diffuseur : L’association Un centre-ville pour tous a célébré son dixième anniversaire par une série de déambulations urbaines, l’occasion de faire un tour dans trois…
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