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- Mots-clés: développement urbain
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Egypte / Monde arabe
Egypte /Monde arabe est une revue de sciences sociales publiée au Caire par le Cedej (Centre d'études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et sociales) qui s’adresse aussi bien au professionnels de la recherche…
Prospective urbaine et politique de la ville
La quatrième livraison de la revue d’études et de prospective de la Délégation interministériel à l'aménagement et à la compétitivité des territoires (Diact) consacré…
Twentieth-century Pittsburgh, Volume Two. The post-steel era
Abstract from the publisher:
This volume traces the major decisions, events, programs, and personalities that transformed the city of Pittsburgh during its urban renewal project, which began in 1977. Roy Lubove demonstrates how the city showed…
The mysteries of the great city: The politics of urban design, 1877-1937
Abstract from the publisher:
The Mysteries of the Great City examines the physical, cultural, and political transformations of the American city between the Gilded Age and the New Deal. Focusing on New York, Chicago, and Cincinnati, John Fairfield…
Brazil's early urban transition : What can it teach urbanizing countries?
Abstract from the publisher :
This paper specifically describes the urbanization experience of Brazil, by far the largest country in Latin America, and which has attained levels of urbanization that surpass those of most European countries. Despite…
Century of the city : No time to lose
Abstract from the publisher :
One in every ten people lived in urban areas a century ago. Now, for the first time ever, most people live in cities. By 2050, the United Nations projects, almost three-quarters of the world's population will call…
What policies for globalising cities? Rethinking the urban policy agenda
Abstract from the publisher :
At a time of increasing globalisation processes, the search for competitiveness in urban regions has become a major political target for both local and central governments. The importance of the cities and their…
Women and urban settlement
Extract from the Editorial :
The articles in this edition examine gender issues and human settlement, and emphasise the interconnectedness of all aspects of women's and men's lives, and the links between people's physical surroundings and what they…
The dynamics of urban growth in three Chinese cities
Abstract from the publisher :
The theme of this book is the interplay of geography, size, and industrial structure in determining the industrial vigor of cities. At any point in time, a city's economic prospects are determined by location,…
Connecting cities : India
Extract from the introduction by Chris Johnson :
The bustle and chaos associated with Indian cities encompasses only 27% of the country's population. The other 73% of India's population still live in rural areas and villages spread across the…
Mots-clés: croissance urbaine, développement urbain, exclusion, financement, financing, Inde, India, mondialisation, urbanisation
Small town Africa : Studies in rural-urban interaction
Abstract from the publisher :
Small towns have often been considered as unimportant and have been largely ignored by policy-makers and researchers. Instead, attention was focussed on the large city or on rural development and agricultural change…
Metropolis : From the division of labor to urban form
Extract from the introduction :
How do cities develop and grow within the production system of modern capitalism? What forces govern the internal and external organization of their economies? How is the intraurban geography of production arranged,…
Cincinnati : Queen City of the West, 1819 - 1838
Abstract from the publisher :
Daniel Aaron, one of today’s foremost scholars of American history and American studies, began his career in 1942 with this classic study of Cincinnati in frontier days. Aaron argues that the Queen City quickly…
The San Francisco Bay Area : A metropolis in perspective
NB : The full text of this book is also available via Google Books.
Urban development : A new perspective
Abstract from the publisher :
Although it has often been taken as a general definition of the city and urban culture (whence the commonsense notion that cities must fulfill commercial functions), Pirenne's fomulation was deficient because only the…
The urban challenge in Africa : Growth and management of its large cities
Extract from the Foreword by Heitor Gurgulino de Souza :
With contributions from prominent urban planning scholars and experts in Africa, The Urban Challenge in Africa: Growth and Management of Its Large Cities, edited by Professor Carole Rakodi of…
Habitat international (Vol. 35, No. 1)
Abstract from the publisher :
Habitat International is dedicated to the study of urban and rural human settlements: their planning, design, production and management. Its main focus is on urbanisation in its broadest sense in the developing world.…
The rise of the Paris red belt
Abstract from the publisher :
From 1920 until the present, the working-class suburbs of Paris, known as the Red Belt, have constituted the heart of French Communism, providing the Party not only with its most solid electoral base but with much of…
La transition urbaine en Afrique subsaharienne
Extrait de l'avant-propos :
L’Afrique s’urbanise vite. Dans cet essai synthétique, Christine Kessides analyse les principaux aspects des défis particuliers que doit affronter l’Afrique subsaharienne face à sa…
Mots-clés: Afrique, bidonville, développement urbain, économie, Kessides Christine, pauvreté, société urbaine, urbanisation
Living in the inner city: New challenges for urban communities. German journal of urban studies
Extract from the Editorial:
In recent decades, settlement development in Germany has been determined by suburbanisation, particularly residential suburbanisation. The family was long regarded as the main driving force in this process. The common…
Mots-clés: Allemagne, centre-ville, développement urbain, Germany, immigration, Jekel Gregor, logement, politique urbaine, urbanité