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  • Mots-clés: espace urbain

The 3rd European conference on African studies included a number of panels and papers on the subject of cities and urban studies, some of which are freely available as full text (see list below - only full-text papers on topics related to urban…

Abstract from the publisher : The special issue on Cultural Diversity collects a selection of papers presented at the multidisciplinary and multinational Marie Curie project on “Cultural diversity in Europe: A series of Conferences”…

Contents : Karina Landman - The storm that rocks the boat: the systemic impact of gated communities on urban sustainability Jörg Plöger - The emergence of a “City of Cages” in Lima : neighbourhood appropriation in the context…

Abstract from the publisher : , is it a historical core, a business district or no physical location at all? Food for a lengthy palaver. Out of the central theme, three sub-themes were distilled to enable in-depth debate: (1) the African City…

This site hosts a large (currently over 150 papers) cache of working papers produced by the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) at University College London (UCL). CASA is an initiative within University College London to develop emerging…

Part of the Urban Age six-year conference series, this conference takes as its theme 'Shanghai : The fastest city?'. As well as a wealth of related data and analysis, mp3 recordings of the entire conference are available on the Urban Age website.…

Part of the Urban Age six-year conference series, this conference takes as its theme 'Berlin : An urban experiment?'. As well as a wealth of related data and analysis, mp3 recordings of the entire conference are available on the Urban Age website.…

Part of the Urban Age six-year conference series, this conference takes as its theme 'New York : Almost alright?'. As well as a wealth of related data and analysis, mp3 recordings of the entire conference are available on the Urban Age website. Many…

Organisers' description : Urban Encounters: Routes and Transitions explores the dialogue and practice of visual urbanism to bring together international researchers, academics, photographers and artists concerned with the transitional nature of…

Part of the Urban Age six-year conference series, this conference takes as its theme 'Mexico City : Growth at the limit?'. As well as a wealth of related data and analysis, mp3 recordings of the entire conference are available on the Urban Age…
Abstract from the publisher : Fluidity of Place presents an interdisciplinary conversation with theories of space-time, place and globalization at the cutting edge of social theory. Focussing on the construction of urban space in the context of…

Abstract from the distributor : Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach and based on extensive field work experience, the book project Tied Up in Tehran addresses one of the key paradoxes of contemporary Iran: women’s fragmented experiences…

Présentation par le diffuseur : Cette conférence a eu lieu dans le cadre de la 3ème rencontre franco-italienne, intitulée "La géographie sociale, le temps, le paysage" organisée par l'équipe…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Quand l’urbanisme est au service d’une certaine philosophie de la ville engagée dans la préservation des héritages culturels, la conservation traditionnelle mais aussi la…

Sommaire : Introduction, Philippe Boulanger, Celine Hullo-Pouyat Première Partie : Penser les héritages culturels dans l’espace urbain Quel patrimoine pour quels espaces ? • Faire la ville « avec », Dominique…

Présentation de l'éditeur : L'espace urbain contemporain tend à se dissocier entre des métropoles orientées vers une production mondialisée et des espaces tournés vers les fonctions…

Présentation par l'organisateur : Dans l’espace urbain, le réseau internet est souvent associé au non lieu. Cette société de l’information a toutes les apparences de l’immatérialité…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Au travers d’études d’histoire de l’art et d’essais d’histoire culturelle, ce livre aborde les liens entre la ville, ses transformations aux XVIIIe et XIXe…

Présentation par l'éditeur : Pierre Sansot nous invite à le suivre au hasard de ses déambulations à travers la ville. Sa pensée vagabonde comme dans une conversation ininterrompue. La marche suscite la…
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