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  • Mots-clés: sociologie urbaine
Abstract from the publisher : Cultural diversity — the multitude of different lifestyles that are not necessarily based on ethnic culture — is a catchphrase increasingly used in place of multiculturalism and in conjunction with…
Abstract from the publisher : Globalisation and a neo-liberal world order are impacting the global urban system, resulting in massive transformation of cities across the world. This transformation, which is currently the centre of focus among…
Abstract from the publisher : Departing from a survey on the post-modern landscapes of tourism, this book explores the transformations the city has undergone and the way it has become a simulacrum offered to tourists, spectacularised with the aim…
What is a Global City? Who authorizes the World Class City? This edited volume interrogates the "global cities" literature, which views the city as a shimmering, financial "global network." Through a historical-ethnographic…
Leading intellectuals reimagine the city as a site of ceaseless change and motion. The metropolis is a site of endless making and unmaking. Restless Cities celebrates the ceaselessly inventive character of the metropolitan city from the nineteenth…
Extract from the Preface: ...[T]he Joint Center for Urban Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, and the Harvard University Summer Session [decided] to convene a conference, in August, 1961, that would consider the…
Extract from the preface by Otto F. Kraushaar: The essays which make up this colume represent the thoughtful efforts of a number of distinguished specialists to examine afresh the implications of urbanism for modern man. They were presented during…
Extract from the preface by Ernest W. Burgess : Nine years ago the central topic at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Society was "Rural Sociology." So great was the demand for the volume, especially for use in classes in universities…

Sommaire du n° 17 des Cahiers du CRH : Avant-propos par la Direction du CRH Christian Topalov Dans les marges. Bernard Lepetit enseignant. Introduction Caroline Varlet, Nabila Oulebsir et Isabelle Backouche Bibliographie des travaux de Bernard…

Abstract of the Editorial by George H. Conklin: 2006 is the year that the world as a whole becomes over half urban, yet no longer is the city the home of the industrial factory in the Western world. What shape should the new city take in the…

To access the document : Click the folder icon in the left-hand column, then click the 'Book manuscripts' folder. Then open the folder 'The city as an entertainment machine' and open the file. This will download to your computer a folder…

From the introduction by Elijah Anderson : The articles collected in this special issue are based on papers presented at the Yale Urban Ethnography Conference, ‘Urban Ethnography: Its Traditions and Its Future’, held at Yale University…
Abstract from the publisher : City politics is an ancient, enduring and vibrant enterprise that can be traced back over two millennia. Its key concerns include the nature of power, institutions, governance, community, scale and economic processes,…

Abstract from the publisher: Critical Scholarship in Urban Sociology.... These classic and recent articles published in IJURR provide a flavour of the kind of critical urban scholarship associated with the journal. IJURR is a forum for scholarship…

Présentation par l'éditeur :

Le programme national de rénovation urbaine (PNRU) a été lancé en 2005.

Aujourd'hui, la question du projet social à mener dans ces quartiers est plus que jamais d'actualité, car construire ou rénover le logement et…
Extract from Part I - Introductory: The modern city: The most striking characteristics of present-day civilization are industrialization and urbanization. They present the environment, both natural and human, to which an increasing majority of people…

Créée par un ancien journaliste du Baltimore Sun, David Simon, et un ancien policier, Ed Burns, et scénarisée par des grands noms du roman noir américain, la série américaine The Wire est devenue culte. S'appuyant sur des investigations de terrain de…

"Éden de l'Ouest", "l'une des villes les plus agréables d'Europe" et "capitale verte de l'Europe en 2013". Les qualificatifs pour donner de la ville de Nantes une image positive, qui fait ainsi disparaître son passé de ville ouvrière et industrielle,…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Dans un contexte de détérioration voire de rupture des relations entre les habitants des zones urbaines défavorisées et la police, souvent accusée d'être…
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