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Dans cette vidéo du 24 mai 2007, Françoise Choay revient, plus de dix ans après, sur son article de 1994 dans lequel elle posait la question de la nature de l'urbanisation et de la "non-ville" dans les…

Abstract from the organisers: Romola Sanyal’s talk will address multiple narratives of Dharavi, Mumbai and how these competing and complimentary narratives produce particular claims to citizenship. Much of the work is based around her recent…

Abstract from the distributor : The colloquium will be focused on one particular city – London – and will bring together the themes of food growing, ‘public’ space and the city to explore thought-provoking questions around…

Transcribed excerpt from Professor Fincher's lecture: Today I'll be mentioning a number of different kinds of diversity... and asking the general question, what are our limits in allowing them their expression in the city? I'll be drawing on some of…

Présentation par le diffuseur : Ce corpus a été recueilli par Sonia Branca-Rosoff, professeur à l'Université Paris 3-Sorbonne-Nouvelle (équipe SYLED), Florence Lefeuvre Maître de Conférences…

Programme : Matinée : Politiques du sensible comme productrices d’ambiance Introduction Nicolas Tixier Jean-Paul Thibaud Intervention de Henri-Pierre Jeudy, chercheur au LAIOS à l’EHESS Intervention de Marc…

Programme : Présentation du séminaire et de la journée : Jean-Paul Thibaud, Directeur de recherche CNRS-CRESSON, Responsable du Réseau International Ambiances Sandra Fiori, urbaniste, laboratoire CRESSON (MCC CNRS 1563)…

Un séminaire organisé par l'UMR CITERES Équipe Cost Programme : 10h00-12h30 : Mobilités résidentielles. Approches et comparaisons internationales - Nora Semmoud (Université de Tours, CITERES-Emam) :…

Présentation par le diffuseur : Les villes sont généralement présentées et analysées comme des entités s’inscrivant dans un récit national et de ce fait relevant d’une trajectoire…

Présentation par l'organisateur : La propriété privée est un droit fondamental considéré comme une aspiration partagée par tous. La recherche de formes alternatives d’habitat passant par le…

Extract from a review of Mehrez's lecture, "Celebrating Cairo's 'Underground Historians'" by Nadeen Shaker: Samia Mehrez, a professor of Arab and Islamic Civilizations, describes Cairo as the protagonist of a story seen and told by its…

Abstract from the distributor : This article provides a comparative analysis of different institutional approaches to dealing with antagonistic group identity claims on the city. I discuss Brussels, Johannesburg, Belfast, Sarajevo, Jerusalem,…

In this panel discussion, speakers present case studies of individual cities before offering an overview of different types of cities and the issues of city culture. Speakers pose the question of the nature of cities and whether or not it can be…

Abstract from the distributor : In the 21st century, urban development is facing new challenges caused by the parallel occurrence of both growing and shrinking cities. The development patterns and instruments of urban growth are well-known.…

Abstract from the distributor : Simon's research employs a feminist political economy lens to examine how state and civil society groups respond to, manage, and/or mediate crisis tendencies in social reproduction resulting from the neoliberal…

Organisers' description : “State, Space and Citizenship” is the title of a year of thematic programming on key issues confronting Indian cities, beginning in January 2009. This is sponsored by the Center for South Asian Studies at the…

Song Ping is a Professor of Anthropology at Xiamen University, China.

Organisers' description : Cities have become the new battleground of our increasingly urban world. From the slums of the global South to the wealthy financial centres of the West, Cities Under Siege traces how political violence now operates…

Organisers' description : This wide-ranging, synthetical paper offers a cross-cuang view of a range of emerging research on the politics of verticality which appertain to contemporary urban spaces. Arguing that critical urban social science has…
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