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- Mots-clés: croissance urbaine
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Le foncier en milieu urbain
Présentation par l'éditeur :
Extrait de la présentation de la journée, Pierre Laye :
"Chaque année, la question du foncier a toujours été évoquée, parce que on ne peut pas traiter,…
Mots-clés: croissance urbaine, développement urbain, foncier
L'implosion urbaine ?
Extrait de l'éditorial :
On sait que depuis les années 50, les pays du tiers monde connaissent une augmentation si rapide de leur population qu'il est devenu banal de parler d'"explosion démographique". On sait aussi…
Mots-clés: croissance urbaine, foncier, habitat, pays en développement, ségrégation, urbanisation
Habitat sous-intégré
Extrait de l'éditorial :
En cet été 1980 où les bâtiments de l'université de Vincennes (Paris-VIII, 30 000 étudiants) viennent d'être écrasés, sur ordre du gouvernement, de la…
Mots-clés: bidonville, croissance urbaine, habitat, habitat précaire, habitat sous-intégré
The open urban studies journal (Vol. 3, 2010)
Abstract from the publisher :
The Open Urban Studies Journal is an Open Access online journal which publishes original research articles, reviews and short articles in the field of urban and regional studies. Topics covered include : theory,…
Virtual issue on urban sociology: International journal of urban and regional research
Abstract from the publisher: Critical Scholarship in Urban Sociology.... These classic and recent articles published in IJURR provide a flavour of the kind of critical urban scholarship associated with the journal. IJURR is a forum for scholarship…
Review of urban affairs: Economic and political weekly (Vol. XLVI, No. 31)
Anant Maringanti is an independent scholar specialising in human geography, based in Hyderabad. Amita Baviskar is at the Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi. Karen Coelho is at the Madras Institute of Development Studies. Vinay Gidwani is…
Aspects de l'environnement urbain au Brésil
Extrait de l'introduction de Gabriela Da Costa Silva : Si les autorités publiques sont en principe tenues d’agir en vue d’assurer le développement économique et la protection de la qualité de…
Mots-clés: Brésil, croissance urbaine, environnement urbain, politique urbaine, pollution
Brazil's early urban transition : What can it teach urbanizing countries?
Abstract from the publisher :
This paper specifically describes the urbanization experience of Brazil, by far the largest country in Latin America, and which has attained levels of urbanization that surpass those of most European countries. Despite…
Century of the city : No time to lose
Abstract from the publisher :
One in every ten people lived in urban areas a century ago. Now, for the first time ever, most people live in cities. By 2050, the United Nations projects, almost three-quarters of the world's population will call…
Megalopolis : The city of the 21st century : World policy journal (Vol. 27, No. 4)
Alternative link via the MIT Press.
Urbanization and growth
From the back cover :
First in a series of thematic volumes, this book was prepared for the Commission on Growth and Development to evaluate the state of knowledge of the relationship between urbanization and economic growth. It does not pretend to…
The dynamics of urban growth in three Chinese cities
Abstract from the publisher :
The theme of this book is the interplay of geography, size, and industrial structure in determining the industrial vigor of cities. At any point in time, a city's economic prospects are determined by location,…
Connecting cities : India
Extract from the introduction by Chris Johnson :
The bustle and chaos associated with Indian cities encompasses only 27% of the country's population. The other 73% of India's population still live in rural areas and villages spread across the…
Mots-clés: croissance urbaine, développement urbain, exclusion, financement, financing, Inde, India, mondialisation, urbanisation
Connecting cities : China
Extract from the introduction by Chris Johnson :
Beijing was the first city of modernity to reach one million - the benchmark to be a member of Metropolis. For the past millenium Chinese cities have ranked in the world's top three.
The importance…
Mots-clés: China, Chine, croissance urbaine, économie, mégapole, métropole, mondialisation, urbanisation
Effluent America : Cities, industry, energy, and the environment
Abstract from the publisher :
Garbage, wastewater, hazardous waste: these are the lenses through which Melosi views nineteenth- and twentieth-century America. In broad overviews and specific case studies, Melosi treats the relationship between…
Metropolis : From the division of labor to urban form
Extract from the introduction :
How do cities develop and grow within the production system of modern capitalism? What forces govern the internal and external organization of their economies? How is the intraurban geography of production arranged,…
Suburban Tokyo : A comparative study in politics and social change
Abstract from the publisher :
The rapid growth of suburban communities has been a prominent feature of social change in Japan since the 1920s. In western Tokyo alone the suburban population, which at that time numbered fewer than three hundred…
The San Francisco Bay Area : A metropolis in perspective
NB : The full text of this book is also available via Google Books.
Hanoverian London 1714 - 1808
Abstract from the publisher :
Hanoverian London, 1714 - 1808, the first of eight volumes to be published in The University of California Press History of London series, surveys the life of the town throughout the eighteenth century. Professor…
Urban development : A new perspective
Abstract from the publisher :
Although it has often been taken as a general definition of the city and urban culture (whence the commonsense notion that cities must fulfill commercial functions), Pirenne's fomulation was deficient because only the…