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  • Mots-clés: pauvreté
For his talk “The 21st-century Medieval City,” Robert Neuwirth took an overflow audience to “the cities of tomorrow,” the developing-world shanty-towns where a billion people live now, and three billion (a third of humanity) are expected to be living…
Abstract from the publisher: Despite the rapid creation of jobs in the greater Atlanta region, poverty in the city itself remains surprisingly high, and Atlanta's economic boom has yet to play a significant role in narrowing the gap between the…
Extract from the Introduction, 'What the fight is about' : The slum is as old as civilization... The battle with the slum began the day civilization recognized in it her enemy. It was a losing fight until conscience joined forces with fear and…
Abstract from the publisher : The Challenge of Slums presents the first global assessment of slums, emphasizing their problems and prospects. It presents estimates of the numbers of urban slum dwellers and examines the factors that underlie the…
Extract from the introduction : This bibliography was constructed with the intention of exploring the breadth and depth of literature available on Third World Cities, or the urban poor in developing countries. There is a wealth of literature on the…
Abstract from the publisher : Too often the term “ghetto” is simply applied to any African American community, to the inner city as a whole, or recently to anything that is degraded or unrefined. But what is a ghetto? Does it arise…
Extract from the Introduction: The poor were always with the English. Poverty had been of broad social concern since the Elizabethan period at least: the topic of ongoing debate, periodic legislation, sporadic philanthropy. But the London poor of…
Abstract from the publisher: Contents: 1. The origins of tenement reform, 1830-1865 2. The tenement comes of age, 1866-1890 3. Jacob A. Riis: Portrait of a reformer 4. The Tenement House Committee of 1894 5. Lawrence Veiller and the New York…
Alternative link to the book via the Making of America digital library at the University of Michigan.
Contents : I. The beginnings of city life : 1. The origin of city life 2. The emergence of urbanism II. The location of the city : 1. The urban site 2. General geographic location III. The physical setting of city life : 1. The developmental history…

NB : This is the author's pre-print version of a special issue of Progress in Planning (Vol. 67, No. 3, April 2007). The published version of this text can be found on the ScienceDirect journal page.
Abstract from the publisher : The report throws new light on current issues and challenges which national and local governments, the business sector and organised civil society are facing. On top of putting forward a number of recommendations, this…
Abstract from the publisher : Globalisation and a neo-liberal world order are impacting the global urban system, resulting in massive transformation of cities across the world. This transformation, which is currently the centre of focus among…
Présentation par le diffuseur :

A Vancouver, sur la côte pacifique du Canada. Peter and Doe vont relever leur piège, leur trapline. Ils fouillent les poubelles pour ramasser canettes et bouteilles à 5 ou 20 cents. Le produit est ramené au dépôt de…
Le site de la TSR propose de voir en ligne l'émission de février 2010 consacrée aux bidonvilles : présentation du contexte, reportage, et entretien avec l'invité (Dennis Rodgers).

De plus, sur la page consacrée à l'émission, la TSR donne accès à…
Abstract from the publisher: This book is among the most comprehensive studies of a city since Edgar M. Hoover and Raymond Vernon analyzed New York City thirty-five years ago in the classic Anatomy of a Metropolis. The main lesson outlined in the…

Part of the Urban Age six-year conference series, this conference takes as its theme 'Johannesburg : Challenges of inclusion?'. As well as a wealth of related data and analysis, mp3 and video recordings of the entire conference are available on the…

Abstract from the distributor : The American ghetto, the British inner city, and the French urban periphery are widely known as the "problem districts, the no-go areas" of their metropolis - territories of deprivation, dereliction and…

Présentation par l'éditeur : Mettant en évidence les discontinuités conceptuelles et la mise en crise des catégories des sciences sociales mobilisées pour penser la ville, Alain Bertho plaide pour une…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Séminariste rebelle, rétif aux discours de l’Église qui confie le sort des pauvres à Dieu, Joaquim Melo décide de vivre dans ce que les Brésiliens appellent…
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