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  • Mots-clés: urbanité
Extract from the introduction 'The Problem': The challenge before the city and its political masters is to build on its welcoming and accommodating character, retain its universal concerns without sacrificing its regional specificity and still exude…
Extract from the introduction 'The Problem': Suketu Mehta - Runaway: A chronicle of metropolitan transience
Présentation par l'éditeur : Faire la ville, nous pensons savoir, la gérer sans doute aussi, mais comment pourrions-nous "faire aimer la ville" ? C’est pourtant cette expérience urbaine de chacun qui…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Comment vit-on dans la ville contemporaine ? Quels sont les réseaux familiaux, ethniques, résidentiels ou professionnels qui s'y développent et s'y croisent ? Sommaire du n° 3 de…
Sommaire du n° 237 des Cahiers d'Outre-Mer : Bernard Calas - Dynamiques métropolitaines d’Afrique orientale Cécile Roy - La prise en compte de l’environnement à Dar es Salaam, problèmes et…
Une livraison des Cahiers d'EMAM (N° 18 - 2009)

Les numéros 16, 17 & 18 des Cahiers d'EMAM ont permis la publication de certaines des communications présentées à l'occasion des Séminaires thématiques régionaux organisés dans le cadre du programme…

Présentation par l'éditeur : Mettant en évidence les discontinuités conceptuelles et la mise en crise des catégories des sciences sociales mobilisées pour penser la ville, Alain Bertho plaide pour une…

Présentation par l'éditeur : Depuis plusieurs décennies, les effets du tourisme sur les sociétés et territoires hôtes ont retenu l'attention des chercheurs. Ceux-ci ont mis en évidence les apports…
Abstract from the publisher: Larry Bennett's Fragments of Cities: The New American Downtowns and Neighborhoods examines the social consequences of both the new approaches to downtown design and the physical upgrading of residential neighborhoods. …
Abstract from the publisher: Alan Marcus's Plague of Strangers examines the origins and development of municipal services in mid-nineteenth century cities from a political, social, and public health point of view. Using Cincinnati as an example of a…
Abstract from the publisher : For millions of people around the world, violence, or the fear of violence, is a daily reality. Much of this violence concentrates in urban centers in the developing world. Cities are now home to half the world's…
Extract from the introduction : How do cities develop and grow within the production system of modern capitalism? What forces govern the internal and external organization of their economies? How is the intraurban geography of production arranged,…
Abstract from the publisher : Hanoverian London, 1714 - 1808, the first of eight volumes to be published in The University of California Press History of London series, surveys the life of the town throughout the eighteenth century. Professor…
Abstract from the publisher : An overview of scholarly research, both published and previously unpublished, on the history of a city that has often served as a case study for measuring social change. It synthesizes the literature and assesses how…
Abstract from the publisher : The "German Journal of Urban Studies", like its predecessor of many years standing, the "Archiv für Kommunalwissenschaften", is a forum for all disciplines related to urban studies. The…
Abstract from the publisher : Cities are not only made of buildings and roads, they are also constructed through popular imagination and spaces of representation. Imagining the City: Memories and Cultures in Cape Town presents an array of oral and…
Abstract from the publisher : From 1920 until the present, the working-class suburbs of Paris, known as the Red Belt, have constituted the heart of French Communism, providing the Party not only with its most solid electoral base but with much of…

Extract from the Editorial: In recent decades, settlement development in Germany has been determined by suburbanisation, particularly residential suburbanisation. The family was long regarded as the main driving force in this process. The common…

Extract from the introduction by Marco Bontje : After the conference, the participants have been asked to write a book contribution based on their presentations... While all contributions to this volume have been written by researchers from…
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