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  • Mots-clés: droit à la ville

Abstract from the publisher : The Breslauer Symposium was established in 2001 through the generosity of a campus donor and is named in honor of George Breslauer, current Dean of Social Sciences at UC Berkeley. Held annually, its goal is to support…

The 3rd European conference on African studies included a number of panels and papers on the subject of cities and urban studies, some of which are freely available as full text (see list below - only full-text papers on topics related to urban…

Anant Maringanti is an independent scholar specialising in human geography, based in Hyderabad. Amita Baviskar is at the Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi. Karen Coelho is at the Madras Institute of Development Studies. Vinay Gidwani is…
Type Revue Date Mars 2011 Accéder au document Extrait du sommaire du n° 3 de Justice spatiale/Spatial Justice : Dossier thématique Un droit à la ville ? Réseaux virtuels et centralités…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Depuis plus de trente ans, Habitat International Coalition (HIC) tisse des liens entre l'habitat humain, les droits humains et la dignité, en visant la reconnaissance des revendications des peuples…
Abstract from the publisher: In 1971, a group of young people broke into a closed down military area in Copenhagen. It was located not more than a mile from the Royal Danish Palace and the Danish parliament. Soon, the media published images and…
Abstract from the publisher : Globalisation and a neo-liberal world order are impacting the global urban system, resulting in massive transformation of cities across the world. This transformation, which is currently the centre of focus among…
Abstract from the publisher : Marginalization in urban China is a consequence of the processes that constrain the disadvantaged from making a claim to citizenship. This book provides insights into marginalization in Chinese cities, and enriches…
Abstract from the publisher : An innovative new way of understanding and changing the unjust geographies in which we live In 1996, the Los Angeles Bus Riders Union, a grassroots advocacy organization, won a historic legal victory against the…
Présentation par l'éditeur : La croissance urbaine est un fait marquant de nos sociétés contemporaines. Les villes aux formes très variées émergent partout, avec leur lot de difficultés :…
Présentation par l'éditeur : S’adressant à un large public (spécialistes ou pas) les auteurs s’interrogent sur notre actuel "droit à la ville", le combat contre les aliénations, pour…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Que peut bien vouloir dire "droit à la ville" ? Cette interrogation est indissociable d’une multitude d’autres questions. Quelle ville voulons-nous ? Quel genre de personnes…
Abstract from the publisher: This volume of "Research in Urban Sociology" is composed of a selection of the papers presented at the conference "Everyday Life in the Segmented City" held in July 2010, Florence. The conference…
Abstract from the publisher: Adopting a perspective inspired by Henri Lefebvre, this book considers the spread of multiculture from the central city to the periphery and considers the role that 'race' continues to play in structuring the metropolis,…
Abstract from the publisher: Based on extensive, original fieldwork, as well as new survey data, The Right to the City contributes to the study of democratization by focusing on the dilemmas and opportunities of popular contention in the city of…
Abstract from the publisher: Nairobi today has over 10,000 multi-story tenement buildings, many of them offering single rooms and up to eight stories high. Privately owned and exploiting urban space to the maximum, these bear similarities to housing…
Organisers' description: The UN’s Development target to improve the lives of 100 million ‘slum’ dwellers has been inappropriately communicated as a target to free cities of slums. Cities with ‘Slums’: from informal…
Abstract from the publisher: Due to heightened global migration and transnational mobility, many residents of the world’s cities lack national citizenship in the places to which they have moved for work, refuge, or retirement. The disjuncture…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Dans un environnement global où les villes sont en compétition les unes avec les autres, les autorités municipales de Chicago ont mis en place, depuis une vingtaine…
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