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  • Mots-clés: ségrégation urbaine
Présentation de la revue par l'éditeur : La création de la revue scientifique "justice spatiale | spatial justice", repose en effet sur une conviction : l’espace est une dimension fondamentale des…

Extract from the introduction by Hans Heinrich Blotevogel, Ranier Danielzyk and Uta Hohn: There is today clear evidence of the increasing heterogeneity and fragmentation of urban life styles. Although it is now more than two decades since “new…

Extract from the Editorial by Tawa Lama-Rewal and Zérah: This special issue considers together (i) the role of democracy (or lack of it) in the city (Ramaswamy, Heuzé, Ahmad); (ii) the redeployment of urban politics along with economic…

Abstract of the Editorial by George H. Conklin: 2006 is the year that the world as a whole becomes over half urban, yet no longer is the city the home of the industrial factory in the Western world. What shape should the new city take in the…

Sommaire du n° 6 de Cultures et Conflits : Michel Wieviorka Editorial. Approche comparée des violences urbaines François Dubet A propos de la violence et des jeunes Sophie Body-Gendrot Les nouvelles formes de la violence urbaine…
Abstract from the publisher: Despite the rapid creation of jobs in the greater Atlanta region, poverty in the city itself remains surprisingly high, and Atlanta's economic boom has yet to play a significant role in narrowing the gap between the…
Abstract from the publisher : The "German Journal of Urban Studies", like its predecessor of many years standing, the "Archiv für Kommunalwissenschaften", is a forum for all disciplines related to urban studies. The…
Abstract from the publisher : Huge social transformations and turbulent political events - 9/11 and the political murders of Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh - have put urban issues high on the political agenda of the Netherlands. Against this…

Extract from the introduction by Marco Bontje : After the conference, the participants have been asked to write a book contribution based on their presentations... While all contributions to this volume have been written by researchers from…

NB : This is the author's pre-print version of a special issue of Progress in Planning (Vol. 67, No. 3, April 2007). The published version of this text can be found on the ScienceDirect journal page.
Abstract from the publisher : City of Extremes is a powerful critique of urban development in greater Johannesburg since the end of apartheid in 1994. Martin J. Murray describes how a loose alliance of city builders—including real estate…
Un café géographique organisé à Tours le 1er décembre 2009.

L’évolution des sociétés contemporaines, et la mondialisation en particulier, ont pour effet l’homogénéisation culturelle, la dilution des groupes d’appartenance et l’approfondissement…
Extract from the lecture transcript :

Today, I want to do the impossible and talk about urbanization and urban growth in fifty minutes. I'll give the classic example, which is the greatest project of human intervention or rebuilding, that is the…
See also the other books in this series: Part 1: The Hague (not available online) Part 2: Barcelona Part 3: Birmingham Part 4: Brussels Part 5: Frankfurt Part 6: Lille
See also the other books in this series: Part 1: The Hague (not available online) Part 2: Barcelona Part 3: Birmingham Part 4: Brussels Part 5: Frankfurt Part 7: Comparative analysis
Ségrégations et violences urbaines, l’Europe doit-elle craindre ce qui se passe dans les Amériques ?

Table ronde organisée à l'occasion du festival International de Géographie de Saint-Dié-des-Vosges en 2006.

Participants :

Frédérick Douzet,…
Abstract from the publisher : Does planning in contested cities inadvertedly make the divisions worse? The 60s and 70s saw a strong role of planning, social engineering, etc but there has since been a move towards a more decentralised…
Dans une enquête qui se dévore comme un roman sur une cité d’une ville de l’Ouest, le sociologue Didier Lapeyronnie, professeur à la Sorbonne-Paris IV, dresse le constat oppressant d’une population en souffrance que tous préfèrent ignorer... jusqu’à…
Il y a des journalistes politiques, économiques, etc… Il n'y a pas de journalistes spécialistes des banlieues.

Fin octobre 2005, la mort dramatique de Bouna et Zyed à Clichy-sous-bois est le point de départ d'un embrasement des banlieues…
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